Saturday, 20 May 2017

The defining difference between Right and the Left in UK?

Political Manifestos

Some say "all democracy is socialism".The difference between the political arguments is largely about the level of State intervention and control on the one side and the freedom of individual responsibility on the other side.

Jeremy Corbyn,the Labour leader wants to move towards a Trotsky inspired takeover of what used to be the Labour Party, by renationalising what were once State enterprises.  What many Labour supporters have not yet come to understand is that we are witnessing the birth of a new party. Labour wants to move towards Marxism.

"From each according to his ability to each according to his need," a slogan that Karl Marx made popular in his writing published in 1875. But on what ground will "ability" and "need" be determined, and by whom? 

Corbyn is for all intents and purposes a rich man prospering in a Capitalist system by telling much poorer people in UK that he cares for them and would create a Socialist model of government that would be much better for them.

The Labour Manifesto :"For the Many,not the Few" is embedded in theory.In practice it would "go ahead with most of the £7 billion planned Tory welfare reductions". This is revealed in the analysis by Resolution Foundation, which states the Labour Manifesto only pledges to reverse £2 billion of the £9 billion cuts by George Osborne. The cuts will "concentrate" on low paid working families and will reduce their incomes by around £1200 a year.

The Conservative Party Manifesto: "Forward Together" under Theresa May, would appear to recognise and understand the faultlines which showed a significant number of people in Britain" have not done well from globalisation,but suffered from it." 

Theresa May would embrace State power,but only to ameliorate the consequences of globalisation. She is willing and wanting  "to intervene in the guise of the State to redress the balance,where she deems it necessary and where she thinks she can."

The Conservative Manifesto, in fact Theresa May, promises to close race,mental health,disability and gender gaps. She seems to have gone one stage further.She states:"Prejudice over accent reinforces a poverty of aspiration."  

The defining difference between the Right and the Left Party in Britain is becoming clearer. The public have hardly veered to extremes in the polls over time. The pollsters maintain that is not going to change. Labour's worst result was 52 seats it won in 1931. In 1983 when Michael Foot went up against Margaret Thatcher the party number of seats fell to 209.

Perhaps,if Corbyn's Labour and all its support with his Unions and "Momentum" can muster success, not in relation to number of MP's in Parliament, but against their avowed aim to beat Ed Milliband's 2015 election result and hold on to more than 232 seats, they may claim a pyrrhic victory. Any seat with a majority under 9000, we are now told, is at risk. 

The pitch of the Conservative Party at this general election is clearly and definitely the rejection of "ideology" and a surprise move to family and working class values.