Tuesday 29 November 2022

Nutritious Fruits for Living

 8 Fruits That Are Actually Superfoods!                                                  
We have all heard of the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctors away”. This is because  fruits, such as apples, have beneficial factors that are required to sustain a healthy body. Not only are fruits delicious, but they are very nutritious too.
Nature has an abundance of fruits at its disposal, but you don’t need to have all of nature’s blessings together. Each kind of fruit adds a different set of nutrients and therefore, we will be talking about some of the most common fruits that can also be called “superfoods” which you can incorporate into your diet to stay healthy.


Apples are full of nutrients and are widely popular in any market. Apples have both soluble and insoluble fibers. As a result, blood sugar levels are regulated in the body. The fibers also assist in the digestion of food and keep the gut and heart healthy by ensuring proper functioning. 

Apples also provide a good supply of Vitamin C as well as plant polyphenols. The latter are plant compounds that assist in fighting diseases. Moreover, having apples regularly lowers the chances of heart diseases, strokes, cancer, and other neurological disorders.

It is worth mentioning that while having apples, don’t peel off the skin. Polyphenols are usually found underneath the skin and therefore, consuming apples with their skins is quite healthy.


Blueberries work as great antioxidants. They also have anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful to tackle injuries. The blue colour in these blueberries comes from anthocyanin. Anthocyanin fights free radicals which damage cells and thus prevents many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, and various forms of cancer. Blueberries are also known for helping memory retention.

You can check out other berries too for similar properties. Blackberries, cherries, etc. are also high in anthocyanin.


We all know bananas are rich in potassium but they have more minerals as well. For instance, vitamins B6 and C, and magnesium are also packed in bananas.

Polyphenols, as mentioned earlier, are also abundant in bananas. In addition, bananas have phytosterols. Both these compounds ensure proper health for your body. Bananas also offer prebiotics which is a kind of fiber that supports beneficial bacteria to grow in your gut.

Ripe bananas are a great treat before exercises as they readily provide energy since they are easily digested carbs. On the other hand, unripe bananas are rich in resistant ones. These green bananas provide a good supply of dietary fiber pectin. Hence, your digestive tract is catered for, and your blood sugar level is also maintained.


Citric fruits, such as oranges, are great for their vitamin C content. In addition, oranges also have a lot of potassium, folate, and vitamin B1. Polyphenols are also present in these succulent fruits.

Having one orange a day reduces the chances of having cholesterol or high blood pressure. Oranges are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, plus, their ability to lower sugar levels are a meal.

While having orange juice is helpful, try to opt for having whole oranges, including pulp. This pulp, albeit low in quantity, adds a little bit of fiber to your diet. 


Mangoes, also called the “king of fruits,” are a tropical delicacy. They are also high in potassium and folate and have a plethora of vitamin contents. Mangoes have vitamins A, C, B6, E, and K. They are known to reduce inflammation and also consist of polyphenols.

Mangoes have a special compound named mangiferin. This compound is an antioxidant and protects from chronic illnesses, for instance, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, and particular types of cancer.

Mangoes are also fibrous, and thus initiate good bowel movements to aid digestion.


Did you know that fruits can provide fat to your diet too? Avocadoes are one such fruit that offers healthy fats. The natural sugar levels are also minimum, meaning you get an efficient output from the fruit.

A monounsaturated fat named oleic acid is found in avocados. This monounsaturated fat is beneficial for our body unlike saturated fats from animal sources. Just like mangoes, avocadoes are also rich in potassium, folate, and plenty of vitamin contents. Vitamins B6, E, and K are present in avocadoes. This unique fruit also has two carotenoids that sustain healthy eyes.  

This fruit also has more calories than others. The fat in avocadoes is known to lower harmful cholesterol levels. Avocadoes help in weight management due to the high fat and fiber present. These contents tend to make the consumer feel full and thereby reduce further intake of harmful carbs and fats.

So, if you wish to slim down or decrease your cholesterol levels, try having an avocado a day for a long period to get positive results. Don’t expect results in a week or two.


Whether you prefer pineapples on pizzas or not, you can’t deny the health benefits this tropic fruit offers. Pineapples have a huge amount of vitamin C and manganese. The latter increases metabolism and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Pineapples also have antioxidant properties.

The antioxidant properties come from the polyphenolic compounds present in pineapples. This means the fruit is also great to reduce inflammations. Pineapples have bromelain, which is an enzyme used for tenderizing meat. 


Pomegranates are highly rich in their antioxidant contents. Having a long list of plant compounds, the health benefits this fruit provides are numerous. Flavonoids, tannins, and lignans are present which assist in the aforementioned antioxidant properties but also support tackling inflammations. They deal with free radicals and thus lower the chance of developing chronic diseases.

If you find it difficult to have whole pomegranates, having juice made from the fruit has also been accounted for delivering promising results.

Final Words

Our earth is gifted with plenty of delicious fruits that help to sustain a healthy body. These fruits are not only nutritious but also help to prevent diseases beyond our comprehension. These blessings from nature are for us to reap. Let’s not regret later on by missing out on the wonderful opportunity to maintain good healthy simply by incorporating a few fruits into our diets.

Wednesday 9 November 2022


Ukraine victory as Russia orders troops to retreat from Kherson as the strategic city is impossible to defend against Kyiv’s forces

The Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has ordered all of their troops to retreat from the strategic southern city of Kherson.
Russian troops will leave Kherson “in the near future” to then take up new positions across the Dnipro River and soldiers have already abandoned key checkpoints around the city.

Russian troops have blown bridges to prevent the Ukrainian offensive from gaining more ground and capturing them as the withdraw.

In yet another humiliating blow to Vladimir Putin, General Sergei Surovikin, who is leading the war has said it is impossible to defend the city against Ukrainian forces

The dilemma of "Climate Cash"

A day of reckoning has arrived at COP 27 as world leaders and others environmentalists gathered at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt for the African Continent’s turn to host the annual UN Climate Change Conference.

Amid a cost of living crisis, the Developed World is under pressure “to agree to a costly deal on reparations, at the same time as plans are being drawn up for sweeping domestic rises and spending cuts in UK,” said the Daily Telegraph.

By contrast, it is predominantly countries in the developing world particularly in Africa, (famine and drought); in South Asia ( floods) and small island nations like, Maldives and Sri Lanka, and Islands in the Pacific (low sea levels) that are particularly most vulnerable to climate disasters, despite having played with partly causing them.


History has been made

History has be made at the beginning of COP 27 to include talks on “loss and damage payments to nations impacted by climate change. With costs estimated to reach a possible $1 Trillion by 2040, for past emissions and for global warming, according to Al Jazeera. This sum, is in no comparison to the $30 Trillion spent controlling COVID 19.

Public opinion in rich economies has we hear, has softened also according to Daily Telegraph. This was seen in the stance of UK which has suggested it is open to paying “Climate Change Reparations”.

The idea of “loss and damage” compensation has been under debate since the beginning of early 1990’s as rich countries have not wanted to discuss who pays?

The Floods in Pakistan and Bangladesh

The unimaginable flooding last month (September 2022) which left large parts of Pakistan literally under water, submerged, causing more than 1,700 deaths and 33 million people ousted from their homes, has somewhat woken the world. The ravages of global warming according to the Financial Times, has put Pakistan at the forefront of the evolving new thinking of who should foot the bill for global warming. 

While Bangladesh is among the countries leading calls for loss and damage payments. World Bank reports state one third of its agriculture could be lost by sea ingress damage and its GDP could fall 9% by 2050.  Sohanur Rahman, Executive Director,” Youth Net for Climate Justice” has clamoured for loss and damage financing. He is quoted as saying:

“We are not asking for charity or debt from developed countries, but rather reparations for their historical legacy in the climate change crisis”.

The priority given to nations at the “Conference of the Parties” COP 27, was noticeable in the photo opportunity at the beginning of the sessions at Egypt.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif and the President of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickemasinghe, were accommodated on the back row far apart, for the photo opportunity of all leaders attending, on the opening day of the Conference. There were more African Presidents and Arab leaders in prominence, in front.

Why Africa is now the paramount chief among the Climate change conundrum?

During the two week conference government and non-party stakeholders will deliberate to ensure a transition to a net zero global economy. Representatives of over a billion Africans are represented at COP27.

While China, India and Australia among the major consumers of fossil fuels are notably absent at COP 27, 54 African voices of the African Union are taking centre stage. The grievance of Africa is put on show at COP 27.

The Africans delegates are quoted to state: “Delegates from each regional blocs of the world will enter the conference to protect its self-interest.  The West’s strategy will not be to take responsibility for their complicity in causing climate disaster. Though the West will acknowledge the astronomical cost of the transition to net zero as a manifestation of “white saviour” industrial complex, they will offer to help by giving loans or aid, which will no longer compensate for the damage done. Africa must present a united front embracing the spirit of Pan Africanism to negotiate from a position of strength.”

Africa the epicentre in litany of Climate Crisis today?

“The African Continent has become a global epicentre of climate crisis ranging from unprecedented rising of extreme weather, severe storms, erratic rainfall, catastrophicflooding, outbreak of water borne diseases, displacements, armed conflicts, desertification, abject poverty, biodiversity loss and drought, to mention a few”.

The African Continent contributes the smallest share of global greenhouse gas emissions compared to their counterparts of the EU, Asia and USA, due to their industrial and Large Combustion Plants (LCP). Yet it is unfortunate that climate disasters are its greatest concern.

United Nations is the conscience of the world and Climate Change is more than a disaster on poorer nations of the world, particularly in Africa. Will COP 27 help Africa more than the world is the conundrum on the minds of all Africans?

Victor Cherubim

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Relationships and connections

 Who are the people in your life? You’ve built up a wide net of acquaintances over the years and have managed to pull together some very interesting and impressive social circles. The people within these circles make up, essentially, the extension of your life, in the sense that they often represent areas where you can extend yourself and reach new places, new opportunities, new jobs, etc.

In this day and age we have so many other ways of doing these things, of accomplishing what we want, but for much of human history that wasn’t the case; people had to rely on the people they knew, and the people those people knew in turn, and so on, in order to get what they wanted.Chances are they will bring opportunities along with them.

It's the old adage,it's not what you know, but who you know that matters.

But what are the new ways of network?                                                  

When you learn how to network, it doesn’t just improve your career — it improves your personal life too. The best networkers don’t just have amazing businesses and careers, they have amazing friendships and are always at the front of the line for new opportunities. 

What is the Best Way to Network?

The best way to network is to leverage your natural strengths. Most people make the mistake of forcing themselves to network. Or they pretend to be outgoing to make new connections.

You do not have to fake being an extrovert to network well.

Imagine this: You’ve just walked into a crowded room full of strangers. Your mission is to meet new people, make friends and build a network.

Go! Start networking!

This used to be my mission (and nightmare) every time I had to go to a networking event, party or group get-together. And I always would end up wondering, “Why did I even come to this thing?”

Networking events can be awful. Parties full of strangers can be intimidating. Trying to work a room is hard!

Here’s the thing I’m here to tell you: Networking doesn’t have to be difficult.

I was so tired of going to events that were a waste of time, overwhelming or awkward that I decided to find a way to change it.

As a recovering awkward person, I figured out the art and science of hacking a networking event. Today, I am going to share those tricks with you.

What To Do With Your Name Tag At A Networking Event

What’s one of the first things you do at a networking event? Fill out a nametag. Don’t think about this much? That is about to change! I have an insider tip on name tags: always, always look at other people’s name tags before filling out yours. I can’t tell you how many times it’s happened to me where I look like a giant nerd because I have filled out my full name and company and everyone else just has their first name. Or worse, I just write my first name and everyone else practically has their resume written on their chest. Save yourself the pain and get in the habit of checking out others first.

 How Can I Be Good at Networking?

Have you sat down and planned your networking efforts? In his book, Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi says that a fatal mistake people make is failing to realize that building a strong network is just like any other goal. You need an action plan that outlines who you want to build connections with and how you plan on doing it. Here’s how to make your Relationship Action Plan:

 Make two lists. The first one will be people you’ve met and want to strengthen your relationship with. Examples include colleagues, cool people you’ve met at events and other acquaintances. The second list will be people you want to meet. For example, leaders at work, members of a community you want to be involved in or influencers in your niche.

 Create an action plan. Take each list and decide on actions you’re going to take to meet or strengthen your relationship with each person. As you do this, strategize the best ways to connect with each individual. For example, if you’re meeting for the first time, focus on making a great first impression. Or, if you already know the person, find ways to talk to them more often by setting up monthly coffee dates.

 Update your Relationship Action Plan regularly as you foster connections and develop new goals. The more deliberate you are in your networking efforts, the faster you’ll build relationships.

Where To Stand At A Networking Event

The biggest rookie mistake I see is when people plant themselves right at the entrance of a networking event to meet people. This is the worst spot! Here’s why:

When people walk into an event you have to give them time to breathe! Instinctively, when we are in a new place around new people we want two things: Nourishment (typically a drink or food) and to survey the room. So, don’t plant yourself right in the doorway. Anyone you pounce on right as they enter only will be thinking about getting something from the bar, loading up a plate or trying to check out the room surreptitiously over your head.

The best place to stand is right where people leave when exiting the bar. This way, they have a drink in their hand and they are ready to mingle. This is always where I plant myself when I’m at networking events and it makes for super easy conversations.

Use Standing In Line To Your Advantage

Never pass up the opportunity to meet someone while standing in line. It is the easiest, non-awkward way to meet the person in front of and possibly even behind you. The bonus is that if you don’t enjoy speaking with them, you easily can end the conversation once you get your drink or food. At a networking event where I really don’t know anyone, I will get back in line when it is extra long so I can meet more people easily. If you need help thinking of something to say, check out our killer conversation starters.

Use the Head Tilt

It can be hard to make real connections at networking events, but it’s possible. And I do it using body language. My favorite move is the head tilt. The head tilt is the universal body language sign for “I’m listening.” You can do this when someone is speaking to show you are paying attention and excited to meet them. This makes you appear more charismatic.

Need more strategies on connecting with people?

Be a Business Card Master

Two problems always happen with business cards at networking events. First, awkwardly searching for your business card when someone asks for it. Or second, losing someone’s business card so you can’t follow up the next day. Avoid having to dig through your purse or wallet to find a business card or losing the ones you get by using my system–right pocket: my business cards, left pocket: other people’s business cards. You’ll never lose a card again and it makes the exchange super easy. By the way, if you have a purse, use one pocket for yours and one for someone else’s.

 Action Step: Is your business card boring? Read our guide on making your business cards rock.

 Insider Tip: A great blog post on Eventbrite also suggests Peeping the Guestlist before an event, which really can help you target the right people.

How To Remember Everyone’s Name

Remembering names can be a nightmare, especially when you have met someone multiple times! I am going to show you how to never forget a name again. Researchers from Emory University attempted to improve people’s name retention and recall over three sessions. In the first session, each participant took a face recall test to establish their baseline ability. In the following sessions, each participant was taught a memory strategy. After only a month, the participants significantly improved their recall ability, some up to 69 percent!

Here’s what they learned. Attach a visual cue to a unique facial or body feature. This memory strategy comes from the EON-Mem (Ecologically Oriented Neurorehabilitation of Memory) program. Here is an example: This is my friend Lacy. If I met her at a party, I would think her hair looks just like an Ace with the pointed A top. Ace = L-Ace-Y

Use this technique and you always will remember people’s names. It also will help improve your creativity!

How Do You Network Yourself?

Humans are social creatures. We thrive by helping each other grow. Nearly everything you accomplish is a result of the people you spend time with. From sharing information about new opportunities to playing an influential role in your personal development, your network – every person you know – is there supporting you along the way. This is why building relationships is such an important skill. Every person you meet is a vault containing a wealth of insight, knowledge and experience. As you get to know people, you get to share that wealth and use it to make your own life richer and more successful.

This is why having a large, diverse network is critical to success. But, how do you build one?

 Pick a tangential niche. Think about the circles you frequent — are there any tangential circles? For example, when I first moved to Romford, I joined every entrepreneur group in town. Very quickly, I met the community and stopped growing my relationships because the same (amazing) people kept showing up. I thought about what circles could be close to entrepreneurs, but not the same. I tried travel groups next. Entrepreneurs often travel since they can work virtually, and I got to meet new entrepreneurs as well as fascinating individuals who travel the world.

 Find anchor tenants. Ferrazzi calls the first people you connect with in a group ‘anchor tenants’ and the principle is if you earn their respect, then you instantly gain credibility with the anchor tenants’ friends. Not only is this a great strategy to meet people outside of your social circle, it also saves you time. Rather than trying to connect with an entire group of individuals, you can focus on one or two key people and get to know the rest later.

 Leverage LinkedIn. One of the best ways to network ahead of an event or how to network online is to leverage LinkedIn. Implement these 15 Strategies to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile today.

Don’t Hover at the Buffet Table

It is great to stand where people exit the bar, But DON’T stand where people exit with food. This is not as good, because if you start speaking to someone with a full plate of food, it is hard to shake hands and all they want to do is eat! Instead of standing where people exit the food station, you can stand at cocktail tables or seat yourself at tables where people eat. This is much easier because people can put their plate down and chat as they eat casually. Plus, studies show that breaking bread with someone builds rapport faster than just talking.

Help Yourself by Helping Your Network

“Can I help you?” Asking this question is one of the most effective ways to build long-lasting connections. Once you help someone, you instantly become more likable because you relieved some of their stress and added value to their life. Just like showing your appreciation, offering to help is a strategy that will earn you a positive reputation because you’re focusing on other people and not yourself.

The more people you help, the more help you’ll have and the more help you’ll have helping others.

Never Eat Alone

How you help people doesn’t have to be difficult. All you need to do is offer your knowledge and/or your time – a small price to pay to gain a new relationship, especially with influential people who often need the most help. You also can help others by harnessing your curiosity. This is one of my favorite tips for being more social. When you’re speaking with people, think about answering the following questions:

What motivates this person?

What is important to them?

What energizes them?

What do they love to talk about?

What shuts them down or closes them off?

What do they value?

Make it your goal to answer these questions about every person you are speaking with to give yourself a social mission. Before you know it, the person will find you fascinating, even though you have been trying to learn about them!

Learn the Science of Sparkling Conversation

It can be hard to drum up conversation with a stranger. In my book, Captivate, I have broken down conversation into three categories:

 The First Five Minutes: This is your first impression and when you decide if someone is worth getting to know. It can happen professionally, romantically or socially. This level is the front door — can you get invited inside someone’s inner circle?

 The First Five Hours: Once you have made it past the first level, you get to have a first meeting, first phone call or first date. This is when you move past first impressions into rapport building.

 The First Five Days: This is the final level. You want people in this level who you would be happy to accompany on a weekend road trip. It’s the ultimate level of trust and connection. This could be romantic — with a partner, but it also could be with a long-term business partner or best friend.

Be sure you know how to master each level.

Unlock the Secrets of Charisma

Control and leverage the tiny signals you’re sending – from your stance and facial expressions to your word choice and vocal tone – to improve your personal and professional relationships.

Succeed with People

Master the laws of human behavior. Get along with anyone, increasing your influence, impact, and income as a result.


In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell writes that “The more acquaintances you have, the more powerful you are.” Unlike your close friends and colleagues, your acquaintances thrive in a different social universe than you do. The result is they know about jobs and networking opportunities that no one else in your inner circle does. In fact, 83 percent of people who find their jobs through a current contact do so through people they see only occasionally, if at all. So, those Facebook friends you haven’t spoken to in a while… it might be time to check in again. Who knows what valuable information they may have to offer?

Become a Master Mentor/Mentee

Mentorships are one of the most valuable relationships you can invest in. There’s no better way to get ahead and expand your network than to spend time with people who already have achieved your same goals.

A successful mentoring relationship needs equal parts utility and emotion.

Never Eat Alone

Though the goal of mentorship is driving measurable progress, it’s not just about sharing advice and results. The best mentors genuinely care about their mentees and are personally invested in their careers. Mentorships often are seen as a one-sided relationship. However, great mentors gain just as much value from their mentees. Benefits include:

Mentees often are your most loyal acquaintances. Once they become successful, you can count on them to return the favor in the form of knowledge, connections or other assistance in the future.

They offer fresh perspectives. Younger mentees in particular can help you keep up to date with the latest trends.

You discover new ways to solve problems by helping them overcome obstacles in their careers.

Afraid you can’t implement all these tips? Don’t worry! We have them all in a plan for you here:

Learn to Increase Your Social Capital

It should be your goal not to meet the most people as possible, but to understand who else is connected to whom and what the rest of the network looks like.

A study conducted found that executives who learn about network structures are 36 percent to 42 percent more likely to improve their performance and 42 percent to 74 percent more likely to be promoted. 

Seal A Connection With the Perfect Handshake

One of the first things you do when you meet someone is give a handshake. How is yours? Is it amazing? It should be! If you aren’t sure how to give a strong handshake, read my handshake tutorial or watch below.

Always Introduce Your Network to Each Other

You know those people who seem to know everyone? They’re known as super connectors because they’re the superheroes of the networking world. If they’re unable to help someone, they know a list of people who can, which makes them great friends to have.

While you may not have the expansive contact list of a super connector yet, you can add similar value to your network by spending a little bit of time each week connecting people who should know each other in two easy steps:

Keep up-to-date with what the people in your network need and what their strengths are.

Introduce people whose needs match another person’s strengths. For example, connect your acquaintance who wants to transition into a marketing career with a marketing professional you know.

This is a winning strategy for everyone involved because the people you connect benefit from knowing each other and both feel grateful toward you for bringing them together.

Make a Lasting Impression With New Contacts

Have you had a great conversation? Met some amazing people? …and now you are ready to go? Your last impression is just as important as your first impression. Here is a quick tutorial on how to make a lasting impression no matter who you are talking to:

Bonus Tip: Can’t get someone to stop talking? That’s the worst! Here are a few tips on how to nicely interrupt someone.

Don’t Forget the -UpFollow

You could be the master of every networking event you attend, but if you don’t follow up, you will fail at truly building connections. People are busy and if you don’t connect with them often, you’ll be forgotten. Within twenty-four to forty-eight hours of meeting someone new, send a brief email reminding them who you are and what you talked about. Doing so establishes your connection with them and opens up a line of communication so you can send them messages in the future. After that, try to follow up once every quarter with acquaintances and at least once per month with people you’re trying to build a closer relationship with.

Here are some quick follow-up ideas:

Pass on relevant articles that add value and potentially spark a conversation.

Wish people a happy birthday.

Inform people about opportunities they may be interested in.

Bottom Line: Networking is a science that needs to be practiced. Take a few calculated social risks and you will be rewarded with some amazing new relationships!