Monday 29 August 2016

Rip Off Contracts

Rip off Contracts

Political donations and contracts go hand in hand. Companies request and obtain authority to make political donations from their shareholders which is often notice and agenda of annual general meetings. of public companies,particularly corporations and most often gets sanction at these meetings.

Political donations can also be kickbacks which conglomerates/companies the world over hand out to secure valuable contracts from industry/governments.It is a way of competing in a highly competitive international market for lucrative contract business.

Undercutting on contracts is big business There are many and unknown ways and various forms of corruption,extortion,nepotism,patronage influence peddling,graft among others...Off loading commissions also is a specialised business,with positions reserved to the "high and mighty" in both governments and industry. Corruption is illegal depending on the country or jurisdiction.and its definition dicey. .

Will anyone give a political donation without an expectation in return?

SMEC Holdings Ltd,,formerly  Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation, is a Melbourne based firm that provides consultation services on major infrastructure projects around the world .It undertakes feasibility studies,design,tender, contract information.and project management. Originally it was wholly owned Australian government engineering consultancy and bought by staff. On 1 August 2016 Singapore based Surbana Jurong announced it had acquired this Corporation.

Another Australian company,Perth Sundance Resources and SMEC Holdings are under investigation over alleged bribery scandals liked to two Presidents in two distant lands,possibly of different charges.

President of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso  by Perth Sundance Resources and President of Sri Lanka Maitripala Sirisena by the former SMEC. These firms are alleged to have sought to secure multi-million dollar contracts in these countries and are each separately investigated..

Why after Seven Years?

Some seven years after the award of a World Bank dam project in Sri Lanka SMEC is investigated over claims its staff sought approval to pay kickbacks to foreign officials including a donation,(political donation,who knows?) to the party of Sri Lanka President Maitripala Sirisena,when he was a Mahinda Rajapaksa Cabinet Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Services Development in 2009.

These revelations place pressure on the Turnbull Government in Australia to reform Australia's maligned foreign bribery allegations.This news detail also reflects badly on the Governments of Congo and Sri Lanka. Is there a broker somewhere in between, someone hidden under the bushes of Australia and these respective countries? 

What if any is the connection?

As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, is there any magical connection between the visits to the Hindu deity,.Lord Venkateswaran's Devasthanam at Tirupathi, Andra Pradesh by the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa on 10 December 2014 weeks prior to the debacle which followed after the famous Presidential election January 2015 and President Maitripala Sirisena recent second visit in the wee hours of the morning on 21 August 2016, his first being February 18,2015?

We don't know whether the President of Congo,H.E.Sassoulo Nguesso aslo visited Tripathi?

President Sirisena was wined and dined not long ago at the G8 in Japan.He was the flavour and favour of the West. What has happened since? To all intents and purposes,he is "under pressure" and he has to find a way out of it,which he will.He acts and means well to all Sri Lankans who are proud of his sincerity.

What's the big deal between the Minneriya Deiyo, who delivered President Maitripala Sirisena as President on 8 January 2015, and Trupathi? Is this Deiyo not as capable of appeasement as far off Lord Venkateswaran,who perhaps,caused the demise of the position of Mahinda Rajapaksa?

Who is behind these visits in the wee hours and for what reason?

There is more to it than meets the eye..


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