Wednesday 8 July 2020

The New Now

Employees working from home,workers on furlough, governments around the world wanting to kick start their economy,businesses hoping to reinvent them,people generally hoping for change of mindset, that and much more, is the scene today. 

The realisation after Covid-19 is that your body needs work outs and your brain needs work-in's. After 10 weeks of indoor life during the lockdown, there is a thirst for the outdoors, for getting out and about,for enjoining nature, but a lot depends on your mindset and how you feed you brain. There was no prompting for people to flock to the beach, to rush to pubs when the "sluice gates" were open.

"Brain train" is the new mantra for many to move on after the pandemic shock. 

A "Cure for death" is on the cards with a vaccine, but till that is rolled out,how to really "trick"people to be happy is the medicine that is being pursued and pushed.The picture below shows how the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, donning as a waiter in a restaurant,to leave no one without hope,with the overarching aim : protect and promote jobs.
Rishi Sunak,UK Chancellor spent £30 billion in 30 minutes pushing UK's deficit to £300 billion during his Summer Statement to Parliament on 8 July 2020 to uplift the public mood. But who will pay for it in the end? Will it be government or the public?

The Bank of England is printing money,perhaps to prop up the economy in "Quantitative Easing",but what happens when it stops?

Everywhere there is hype,bias and perhaps cajolery in Science. Questions are now being asked not only by the public but even by Scientists, of the many who accepted to "follow the science" guidelines?

Can Words change your brain?

There are types of people, in fact types of messages which they convey, which you can trust  and others you can not? This is understandable. 

Research has shown that people who constantly compare themselves to others who are far better off than themselves, are the most likely to be unhappy. We know that there is little point in comparison of either governments or people who have succeeded; alike multi-millionaire businessmen and feel inwardly frustrated.We also know that the breakthrough in life is through hard work, through effort and persistence,sometimes having to go out on a limb to make an inspiration out of achievement.

Achievement is hardly to rely on fate, but is a combination of planning,hard work and perhaps,fate or circumstance? But at the present, the one thing that is uppermost in everyone's mind is gainful employment - jobs, jobs, jobs.

Despite 2020's disruptive circumstances, it has been a ground breaking and transformation  year. If we look back we are sure to see our own personal evolution,even if it has come with a painful lesson. 

How will the jobs of the future be created?

The world of work is undoubtedly going to be different. Like what happened after the Industrial Revolution, a sea change is taking place in the jobs market. What are some of these features.

1. Watch the Clock.
Quarantining and "work from home life", has thrown many people's schedules for a loop.    We are no longer dominated by timelines in quite the same way we have been in years        past. Simultaneously, the virus has made time feel more precious than ever before as we      confront the pandemic.
2. The need to ground ourselves with structure.
Without teeth gritting discipline in the future,without some structure, there cannot be any creativity or freedom for the long term.During moments when we feel stuck or need to break things down into feasible action steps to get through the impasse we are in, we need to open up our Calendar App and plug in tasks for the foreseeable future, whether it be for next week, or next month. We need to action bite size action plans to get us one step closer to our work goal.
3. The need to design our dream job.
Are our goals in life manifesting in a way that brings us joy? It could be that we were not enjoying the work we were doing before the pandemic and we stayed put in our job not sure where to turn next?We now have to start by identifying milestones during our life, to mark how we progressed when we had similar road blocks, like redundancies, job change, marriage,moving home,childbirth and then sketch out a list of actionable items how we overcame them and moved on.This precedent can now be our guide.

Victor Cherubim


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