Saturday 1 May 2021

SUNDAY, 13 JUNE 2021

How to prevent online Social Engineering ?

We all have heard it said during the pandemic," anything

goes". Things have not been normal and people have had

to adjust to ways of acceptance in today’s reality. 

But things don’t or rather cannot remain the same over long.

During the past 18 months, social engineers have had a field

day, with scammers using every one who is vulnerable,and

using every trick in the book to their advantage.

Scammers have tried to entice people to divulge information

about themselves and their friends through unscrupulous

and shady practices on the internet.

We have had phishing, “smishing" and "vishing” with

scammers extorting money by offering home help and other

services by emails,from victims who are the most at risk and

vulnerable, who are housebound or who are indisposed. 

We have seen cybercriminals on the internet sending

carefully worded emails,voicemail or text messages to

convince incapacitated and vulnerable people to transfer

money,provide confidential information or download a file

that installs malware or viruses on their computers or

company network. Scams galore!

They can offer large sums of unclaimed inheritances to

needy, desperate, but financially gullible people as a trade

off shifting of “black money” in return for a percentage

of commission, of the transferred amount. 

Who can fall for the scam? 

In the context of information security, social engineering

is use of deception to manipulate individuals, ordinarily

skeptical people into divulging confidential information,

sometimes without their full knowledge, which is then

used by cyber criminals for blackmail or for fraudulent


Emotional manipulation is the name of the game.

Curiosity is a big part of our human nature. It is how we

as humans evolve,how we grow. It is part of who we are,

But,it is also our common weakness for scammers

to exploit.

Capturing this curiosity is an artform, which is craftily

manipulated. They take advantage of human behaviour

patterns and trick individuals or even firms, into thinking

they are a real deal.  

Hackers use all forms of deception. Fear,greed,curiosity,

helpfulness,and urgency, are some ways they use human

emotion to do their job.

Have you heard of the following techniques?  

Don’t be deceived into handing over voluntarily or without

scruples your personal details or private information, to an

online social engineering "enterprise”. 

“Vishing” is where an urgent and official sounding

voicemail convinces you to become a victim to act quickly

or speedily or else suffer severe consequences,perhaps,

the treat of physical attacks.

They rely on trust to gain physical access to homes and/or

premises or buildings or from the threat of arrest or other

similar risks.

“Tailgating” relies on human trust to give  someone who

purports or trades off, to act as a security official, who is

actually a criminal,who manages by whatever means at

their disposal to physically access a secure building or

access to an area, for unlawful means.

“Pretexting” uses false identity to trick “innocents” or

victims into giving up information fraudulently.

“Baiting” is an online physical social engineering attack

that promises the victim a reward. 

How to prevent online “Social Engineering” attacks ?

In today’s world, being alert is understandably normal.

It is hardly paranoia at all. Did you know that victims

generally tend to side or often sympathise with their

perpetrators. Why?

Being watchful of the consequences not only of the

pandemic, but most of all, of the tricks or scams

in one form or other, by overpowering and deceptive

ways, is more or less mandatory.

Always, go by one’s gut feeling. If you sense a call from an

unknown person or a Company, requesting sensitive

information, do your research before you hand over any

information, personal or otherwise.

Never fear to seek or ask for their full name, telephone or

mobile number or email  and be sure to contact their

source or after investigation, call them back only on

their number from their website. Don’t respond to their call,

or their SMS, unless you have prior or proven verification.

Never, ever reveal passwords or PINS via email or on your

mobile no matter how legitimate the request seems.

Companies, banks or security agencies hardly would seek

this information in this way.They know there are other secure

ways.Be adept to find out the other ways.

Resist the urge to click on suspicious links on the internet or

from anyone,even if you think you know them or are familiar

to them. Always double check the web address first, before

you open an unsecure web page or link.You never know who

is behind the scam.

Think twice or more if the message sounds too good to be

true,often your gut reaction is more true than the message.

Hasty action often has irreparable consequences. Even if it

looks, and sounds like it is coming from a reputable source,

be weary of putting your profile at risk.

One of the common threads linking these social engineering

techniques,patterns of activity, is the human element

involved, which cybercriminals craftily exploit and which

you need awareness of today. Remember,scammers never

give up. They treat their action as a hobby.


Victor Cherubim

What's new in GB News?

The weather in UK is glorious, the G7 Leaders of the “Free World” are all enthralled by the beauty of Carbis Bay, Cornwall, the charm offensive of British Prime Minister,Boris Johnson and Mrs Carrie Johnson, is seen everywhere, while President Joe Biden was trying hard to diplomatically rebuild relations with partner nations after the strains of the Donald Trump years. He also prefaced his comments before his first meeting with Boris, by saying that he and Boris had one thing in common, “we both married, beyond our station”.

Her Majesty,The Queen, was gracious to be seen mingling with all the leaders and putting them at ease during her evening reception on the first day  of their three day meeting. The Big Issue is a show of strength and unity of the “Free World'' to the likes of China and Russia, before Biden’s face to face first meeting with President Putin in Switzerland next week.

President Macron's tweet read: "As always,The same union, The same determination to act, the same enthusiasm! The G7 can begin".

Another event

13 June 2021 is also a big day. It is the launch of GB News - a news Channel with a difference. During the pandemic TV was the most used platform for peoples’ news. But, a big difference between “reporting and journalism” is to be opened up to the public in Britain. We are told it is not going to be “news lead” but instead “presenter lead”. Unlike Sky,BBC,or ITV, which they maintain come from the same stable, some more left than others, some more right of centre, with the BBC having a metropolitan outlook. 

Has this come about due to the hue and cry of recent days?  The BBC a buzzword, with its guaranteed income from the Licence Fee which has been called into question. Besides, the pandemic, having made “Big Government” more fashionable, there is a clamour at the other end of the spectrum, for a more limited government, accountable to the people.

The management of GB News state, it will resemble American broadcasters by not following a continuous, rolling news format. It will be based more like NBC in the US, which is on the left, and Fox (News) which is on the right.

According to Andrew Neil, ex BBC Daily Politics presenter and recently of “The Spectator”, people are fed up with repetitive,roaring news. He has stated, “GB News will have Anchors with a bit of edge, a bit of attitude, a bit of personality - and people will make an appointment to view them. That’s the plan.”

They hope to segment the day into individual programmes, some news based,built along very strong presenters or anchors, as they call them in the States. Once up and running, GB News Channel plans to air 6,500 hours of television a year. It will be “free ,fair, impartial and Ofcom regulated”. 

What is the difference between “Reporting and Journalism”?

There has always been, and there will always be, news. But the way it is gathered, the way it is reported and the emphasis on journalistic delivery has changed. The focus is on presentation to the reader.

 TV has been the most used platform for people's news, with the Internet a popular choice,followed by social media and radio. 

As many will know there is a big difference when it comes to reporting and journalism. 

Reporting is what the Internet is good at, especially when there is an emergency, a crash, a disaster, a hurricane or even a new mutant or variant of COVID-19.Most people are eager to get the first report on the internet or even instant modes of communication, like “Twitter” and/or TV or radio.

However, journalism is getting beneath the news. It is investigation, analysis and perhaps,thoughtful commentary. People are eager for change and look for it.


George Snell,the American media commentator argues, “Reporting is a commodity, but journalism is not”. It has been made a commodity by the web.

We have “Twitter”emerging as the fastest place to get breaking news. Even Facebook updates are faster than print media. Today, we can see that there is no place for reporting in newspapers as well as magazines any more. By the time they report on “news,” it is already stale. News travels very fast. 

It is a small beginning, a small start-up with the fraction of the resources of the big news channels. But, the presenters hope to be brave about covering issues that really  matter to the people of Britain.  Will we see a sea change in journalism? GB News has said it will provide streaming,video-on-demand and audio services,but are yet to announce further details.

It is eagerly awaited,as it is promising the biggest shakeup of British broadcast media for 30 years.

Victor Cherubim


India spends only 4% of it's GDP on health and health care.

But, it exported some 66 million dozes of its manufactured
Astra Zeneca vaccine around the world.
Vaccinating 1.39 billion people is no easy task. Some 10% of the
population has received the first shot. Indian Prime Minister Modi
had stated that the in the last week or so India has been on the
receiving end of ICU ventilator equipment sent from the UK and
the US to control the raging pandemic, as death toll has
eclipsed 300,000.

But who knows the exact number as it may have passed this figure.
COVID ravaged India with over 300,000 cases a day for seven
consecutive days, with people being dragged out of their homes, 
their vehicles, by the roadside.

The fear is that people are treated as victims and human dignity
is fast disappearing.

Reasons for the tragedy?

There was an initial euphoria of a decisive leadership during
the early years of the Modi BJP Government. But as years went
on there has been an urge to centralise power as well as 
simultaneously demand unquestioned obedience. 
Earth shaking policies like demonetisation did leave a 
trail of discomfort.We are told that operating through 
BJP favourites, has fudged management of vaccines.
Ruling a vast country like India is no easy matter. Recently,
we note the pandemic has taken its toll.

Firefighting COVID-19

Precious Vaccines and Oxygen cylinders and perhaps, medicines
were exported to countries where the pandemic was raging.

Kumbh Mela and dipping into the Sacred Ganges by thousands of
worshippers did little to douse the virus. Religious festivals have
no social order,no social distancing. But that was not all,
busy election rallies hardly distinguished who was infected 
and who was not?

What's good coming out of this pandemic situation for India?

In many places in India, the pandemic does not seem to have happened.
It is not imagination,but real.People waiting to take a second dose of the
vaccine can now do so without online registration.For some, not the very
well off, vaccines are now available at Indian Rs.250/per dose.

However, the virus spread has thrown the country into an all time
Emergency, with millions of people refusing to even step outside
their homes for fear of infection.

The sudden surge of the Double Mutant COVID -19 B1.67 variant
is of much concern as the pandemic may have made the Government
on its back foot. Style has  mattered rather than substance. 

For the ordinary man, oxygen canisters is the new currency
of exchange.

Victor Cherubim