Sunday 13 June 2021

What's new in GB News?

The weather in UK is glorious, the G7 Leaders of the “Free World” are all enthralled by the beauty of Carbis Bay, Cornwall, the charm offensive of British Prime Minister,Boris Johnson and Mrs Carrie Johnson, is seen everywhere, while President Joe Biden was trying hard to diplomatically rebuild relations with partner nations after the strains of the Donald Trump years. He also prefaced his comments before his first meeting with Boris, by saying that he and Boris had one thing in common, “we both married, beyond our station”.

Her Majesty,The Queen, was gracious to be seen mingling with all the leaders and putting them at ease during her evening reception on the first day  of their three day meeting. The Big Issue is a show of strength and unity of the “Free World'' to the likes of China and Russia, before Biden’s face to face first meeting with President Putin in Switzerland next week.

President Macron's tweet read: "As always,The same union, The same determination to act, the same enthusiasm! The G7 can begin".

Another event

13 June 2021 is also a big day. It is the launch of GB News - a news Channel with a difference. During the pandemic TV was the most used platform for peoples’ news. But, a big difference between “reporting and journalism” is to be opened up to the public in Britain. We are told it is not going to be “news lead” but instead “presenter lead”. Unlike Sky,BBC,or ITV, which they maintain come from the same stable, some more left than others, some more right of centre, with the BBC having a metropolitan outlook. 

Has this come about due to the hue and cry of recent days?  The BBC a buzzword, with its guaranteed income from the Licence Fee which has been called into question. Besides, the pandemic, having made “Big Government” more fashionable, there is a clamour at the other end of the spectrum, for a more limited government, accountable to the people.

The management of GB News state, it will resemble American broadcasters by not following a continuous, rolling news format. It will be based more like NBC in the US, which is on the left, and Fox (News) which is on the right.

According to Andrew Neil, ex BBC Daily Politics presenter and recently of “The Spectator”, people are fed up with repetitive,roaring news. He has stated, “GB News will have Anchors with a bit of edge, a bit of attitude, a bit of personality - and people will make an appointment to view them. That’s the plan.”

They hope to segment the day into individual programmes, some news based,built along very strong presenters or anchors, as they call them in the States. Once up and running, GB News Channel plans to air 6,500 hours of television a year. It will be “free ,fair, impartial and Ofcom regulated”. 

What is the difference between “Reporting and Journalism”?

There has always been, and there will always be, news. But the way it is gathered, the way it is reported and the emphasis on journalistic delivery has changed. The focus is on presentation to the reader.

 TV has been the most used platform for people's news, with the Internet a popular choice,followed by social media and radio. 

As many will know there is a big difference when it comes to reporting and journalism. 

Reporting is what the Internet is good at, especially when there is an emergency, a crash, a disaster, a hurricane or even a new mutant or variant of COVID-19.Most people are eager to get the first report on the internet or even instant modes of communication, like “Twitter” and/or TV or radio.

However, journalism is getting beneath the news. It is investigation, analysis and perhaps,thoughtful commentary. People are eager for change and look for it.


George Snell,the American media commentator argues, “Reporting is a commodity, but journalism is not”. It has been made a commodity by the web.

We have “Twitter”emerging as the fastest place to get breaking news. Even Facebook updates are faster than print media. Today, we can see that there is no place for reporting in newspapers as well as magazines any more. By the time they report on “news,” it is already stale. News travels very fast. 

It is a small beginning, a small start-up with the fraction of the resources of the big news channels. But, the presenters hope to be brave about covering issues that really  matter to the people of Britain.  Will we see a sea change in journalism? GB News has said it will provide streaming,video-on-demand and audio services,but are yet to announce further details.

It is eagerly awaited,as it is promising the biggest shakeup of British broadcast media for 30 years.

Victor Cherubim


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