Saturday 15 July 2023

Do we cause our weather, or does the weather control us?

Brits heading to Spain and the Mediterranean this week have been warned of extreme weather conditions as the country faces a blistering heatwave. Extreme weather warnings are in place as temperatures in some areas could soar as high as 44C.Red and amber alerts have been issued by the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET), Spain’s weather agency.

The heatwave Cerberus named after the three headed monster from Dante’s Greek mythology, is thought to be caused by high pressure originating from the Sahara desert? It is expected to climb as high as 48 degrees in the islands of Sicily and Sardinia.

While we are told that the UK will escape the extreme temperatures with the odd rumble of thunder still possible, as daytime temperatures in London, are near average in the best of any sunshine. 

The baking temperatures on the Continent however, have raised concerns, health and welfare threats and for tourists packing for their summer holidays.

Previous studies have linked heat in Europe with Climate Change? Climate Change refers to the shifts in weather patterns mainly caused by human activities, cloud seeding with silver iodine, among others. But not every cloud could be seeded? 

Can we moderate our weather? 



Geoengineering is the term used to describe the manipulation of weather to combat the effects of global warming. Weather control in my opinion, is perhaps, largely fiction, although people are intentionally changing their weather. 

What we can do, is what some Governments like the Greek Government, is currently pursuing. It has introduced the mandatory work stoppage where there is weather stress from 12 – 5 p.m. High risk members of the public service will work from home. Is this an extended “Siesta”? 

What is happening in the U.S.? Another heatwave is currently sweeping the South Western US, with residents in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and California under excessive warnings of temperature above 37degrees. Here wildfires are a permanent threat. Nine out of ten wild forest fires are caused by humans. Those preventable wild fires threaten lives, property and precious natural resources. Close attention has to be paid to weather and drought conditions, which can affect the flammability of vegetation. 

But fire is also vital for some wildlife habitat. The diversity of plants and animals, periodic low-intensity fires speed up the process of forest decomposition, for new plants to grow, improved habitat and food for animals. We must never forget that the habitat consists of man, animals and vegetation. 

However, what man has no control of are wild fires caused by lightning. We are told they account for 85 % of forest fire destruction? The other half is human caused? 

In some sense, we can say, that the weather modifies humans? 

In the chapter: “The Psychology of Weather” by Trevor Harley, part of the “Psychology of Everything” series, pleasant weather with higher temperature and higher barometric pressure results, in  better mood swings.

Simultaneously, in the film, “Do the right thing,” tempers fray as temperature climb. The movie depicts one day in a heatwave in Brooklyn, NY, hot heads become hotter. The heat of the day culminating in a riot provoked by seemingly not much at all, other than the weather. 

Several studies have found a relationship between high temperature and increased aggressive behaviour. In France and in the US recently this summer, we have seen crime of all sorts increases to anarchy, on hot summer days, particularly violent crime. Could“Aragalaya” (The Struggle -15 March to 14 November, 2022) in Sri Lanka caused by the intollerable debt bondage or exascabated by the excessive heat?.


It is neither clear nor conclusive, what the real reason for this relationship between human behaviour and the weather, Probably there are several reasons, with weather domineering?

Victor Cherubim      



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