Wednesday 28 February 2018

Home Ownership in England

Home Ownership in England

Home ownership in England has fallen to its lowest level in 30 years,while more and more people both young and old are privately renting their homes.

Government statistics show almost half of all people in England aged 25 to 34 pay a private landlord for their accommodation, seen as "less worries" in a turbulent age.

"An Englishman's home is his castle, not any more,due to changing circumstances,changed perceptions.

Corbyn's Labour opposition have criticised the Tories for "running out of ideas" and have no long term plan to fixing the "housing crisis." Their concern at the moment is to provide affordable housing.

The Government is of two minds releasing "Green Belt" land for house building. It has, however, attempted to streamline Planning Permission,particularly to cut the existing red tape. The last Autumn Budget 2017 included spending plans worth £44 billion over the next five years,hoping to increase housing stock by 300,000 new homes a year.

With everyone's  mind over the past 19 months on Brexit,there appear to be other priorities.But rarely has a solution to a problem seem so easy to imagine, yet so hard to implement. 

The number of home completions in this same past period in England been lower than anywhere else in Europe,in relation to population. 

Britain says it needs to build more houses in overcrowded areas and it is hoped sooner than later.

The country's biggest house builder,Barratt's has gone a stage further and has trialled a number of off site technologies,looking at ways to improve efficiency. 

Barratts,which is celebrating its 60th year in housebuilding,states it has built around 1270 homes using timber frames in the past six months. It is now completing trials of light gauge steel frames and larger size brick.It maintains it is able to provide similar benefits,such as increased build speed,reducing the reliance on traditional timber construction methods. 

With increased standardisation,simplified construction and reduced build costs making for improved efficiency, Barratts state they can reduce the demand for labour.

They are on track to pay special dividends to their shareholders over the past five years up to November 2019,totalling £1.9 billion, averaging some £175 million over each of these years.

According to The Guardian, "developers are sitting on land without building anything,then selling it for profit - a vicious circle that can make it impossible to create affordable homes". This is called "Land Banking".

According to the Valuation Office,"the average price of agricultural land is £21,000 per hectare,while land with planning permission for housing is around £6 million per hectare".

Shelter,the housing charity, has called for developers to pay Council Tax on unbuilt sites with permission,while others advocate more fundamental reform,including the introduction of a Land Value Tax. 

Berkley, Barratts, Persimmon and Taylor Wimpey ( the biggest four companies in the industry) account for more than 480,000 of the building plots in England.

Victor Cherubim   

Wednesday 14 February 2018

What Britons can do after Brexit?

What Britons can do after Brexit?

Prime Minister Theresa May and some of her Ministers are having a series of public speeches to heal the divisions,not only in the country, but in the Conservative Party, after months of wrangling since the Brexit Referendum,June 2016. Many observers consider it as a charm offensive.Who better than Foreign Secretary,Boris Johnson,according to the Prime Minister, to start this process at the offices of Policy Exchange  in Central London on 14 February 2018?

Boris Johnson in his half hour address entitled: "The Road to Brexit," tried in his usual way to reach out to non-Brexiteers, by insisting the economic fears were unfounded, that Brexit is not some "V" sign from the cliffs of Dover. He went on to state: "Britons will still be able to live,work and retire in the European Union after Brexit".

The three concerns of the British people

He highlighted his view of  three major concerns the British people had raised with him:
1.    Whether he was the right person to engage with the people to find out their fears?
2.    The question of a Second Referendum?
3.    The real fear of the economic impact on the lives of ordinary people?

He answered that the whole Cabinet was behind Prime Minister May in her mission to unite the country.He further said: "We are all very lucky to serve, and I am one of them."

On the second questions he said:"I will say with all candour that if there were to be a second vote, I believe we would simply have another year of wrangling and turmoil and feuding in which the whole country would lose - so let's not go there?

On the third fear of the economic impact of leaving the European Union, he said,"we are not seen as an economic threat but more as an opportunity of investment, leaving the bloc is a cause for hope, not fear".
He went on to elaborate:  "the lion's share of of the growth is taking place outside the EU and especially in the Asia Pacific region. Of course, we must remain a magnet for ambition and drive. We will be able to take back control of our borders. We need to ask ourselves some hard questions about the impact of 20 years of uncontrolled immigration of low skilled, low waged workers. We do not want to haul up the drawbridge and certainly don't want to deter the international students (skilled nurses) who make such a huge contribution to our economy. We already have 155,000 Chinese students in this country."

Questions to Boris 

To questions inside the hall, from media and from the invited diplomats, Boris Johnson, the prominent Leave campaigner added: "Leaving the EU is not nationalist, nor xenophobia. Stopping Brexit will be disastrous".When taking questions, Boris was never other than his usual self, full of innuendo and  humour. People seem to like his way of speech. Having apparently misheard one question from his audience about "clarity," he beautifully segues to address the issue of farming. He joked about  sex tourism for British tourists without Visa restriction abroad, carefully diverting attention from the serious nature of the issue at hand.

Comments from outside

Within minutes of Boris Johnson outlining his vision for the country's departure from the EU, Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Commissioner accused the Foreign Secretary of talking "total nonsense" by refuting the claim that " he never wanted to turn the bloc into a superstate."

Some other critics have said that "Boris is the clown of the Brexit circus." They have named him: "Cake and Eat it,Boris."

Still others, in the Labour Party's Shadow Brexit Secretary, Keir Starmer, maintains: "Instead of building consensus we need, the Government's approach will only further divide the country, put jobs, rights and living standards at risk."

If Boris Johnson is such a liability to the Conservative Party, why did Prime Minister, Theresa May select him to lead the line up of her Ministers to deliver his message to the people?

Victor Cherubim

Monday 12 February 2018

The Accidents waiting to happen?

Accidents waiting to happen due to our crowd behaviour?

It was last Saturday, 10 February 2018, a cold,damp,dreary wintry morning in London,a day I will remember for a long time. 

I  reluctantly ventured out on a crowded Rail Replacement Bus from my home near Romford, to connect with the TfL Underground at Newbury Park to attend a well publicised "Live Weekend" Conference on *How to get rich* at 47 Lillie Road,near Earls Court London SW6 1UD.

I was surprised when I entered the foyer of his well known Hotel, to see over a 1000 people of all nationalities, of all colours, creeds and persuasions  mulling around to register and enter the Great Hall. There seemed to be more women than men, and somewhere around 50 percent were ethnic minorities gathered as if it was a spiritual retreat at an Evangelical Church.

Every one was welcomed to register giving all their private details of their identity including of all things,their next of kin. I was surprised to say the least and  refused to do so,as I was not having a transplant of my organs,and expected to return home without entry. But I was allowed in, if I was willing to sign a disclaimer.

From that moment till 8.30 that night,it was as if I was in Rio at Carnival time.The atmosphere was electric,in every sense of the word, with ear shattering,blaring music, flashing lights similar to a Super Bowl pitch,a cackle of noise of all languages and an anxious wait for the billing speaker for the event. There was not a breathing space inside this so called Hotel Hall on the Ground Floor,as I was told over 1300 selected guests were being accommodated for this event.

It was too claustrophobic for my comfort and I worried about the risk element of such a crowd,particularly as a neighbour lady sitting next to me left the building, handing over her Conference dossier,"Power to Achieve" to me, if I wanted it. 

Crowd control

It was intimidating, but I wanted to stick it out, as I wanted to find out what was enticing so many to attend, in such large numbers. Crowd management was the visible spectacle before my eyes as I noticed many ushers wearing identifiable sweatshirts,unobtrusively controlling the overbearing crowd of enthusiasts. 

It literally gave me the impression that stage management was part and parcel of the show. I was not far wrong when with much fanfare a young lady was introduced to the stage and when she said: "Genius can be achieved in 21 days". She went on to explain on the board flip chart how the lobes of the brain work, the left side for logic and the right side for creative behaviour, equivalent to the quality of women's thinking.I was told that of a man was based on logic.

She then rattled out random numbers she received from audience participation and wrote it on the board. To my surprise she invited a member of the audience to step on stage and read out the numbers. She then asked him to close his eyes and repeat those numbers  backwards - a feat of endurance. By this time, I was wondering what was her message.

She kept on saying "Does that make sense?". Every body had been taught earlier in the day to yell "Yea," an aphorism attributed to Richard Branson. In unison,there was an earth shattering "Year" from the crowd.In a pulsating moment she said: "Do you now see how images associate with numbers?" Once again it was resounding "Year" from the crowd. 

The enlightened One - The Guru

I knew it was time for the "enlightened one,the Guru", the one and only Andy Harrington,the main actor of the weekend, to be welcomed with all hype that could be mustered, on to stage.My neighbour sitting next to me whispered, "have you heard of Tony Robbins,the American crowd puller,Andy, is his disciple".

There was a feeling in the crowd of emancipation. a understandable release of pent up energy as Andy, a charismatic,  magnetic, short, somewhat crew cut young man, proclaimed: "The twin forces that shape behaviour". He splashed his answer on the board,
and shouted:  "Pain and Gain."  He went on to analyse: "how to reach your potential," "the value you can add," and "the biggest challenges" of life. 

The Story      
Your story of life has to have three Acts, three divisions :
1. You have to establish "a Problem", which is your Act 1.
2. You have to go on "a Journey", which is your Act 2.
3. You have to come to "a Transformation", which is your Act 3.

By this time I came to ask myself and say to myself, "it all sounds familiar" from my Diploma Course in Person Centred Counselling, which I had at Poplar College,many moons ago. 
The Problem
How can I choose a problem, among the myriad of problems, I have gone through life?
I was mulling it over, as he said :"choose a problem that you can relate to, a problem that you are experiencing at present?" 

I immediately asked myself: "Is he talking about the here and now?" 

He relieved my anxiety by answering it himself: "We all have had adversaries,who is your adversary now?" "What is your issue now?" He explained the story of the "Lion King" the famous musical.He also brought in the image of Darth Vadar. He concluded: Act 1 must always end in a loss of some kind. 

The Journey
Where am I going on my journey, I cannot recount the journeys I have made around the world. What was I searching for, what did I come back with? These questions rattled my mind. Andy gave me his answer, he said:" Act 2 opens with 4 D's : Denial, Doubt, Delay and Distraction." In Act 2 there is bound to be a happening,perhaps, a uncomfortable but a symbolic event, a  self reflection of myself, of remembering who you really are? At the top of Act 2 is insight, which is marked with more insight. 

I immediately asked myself: "Does he refer to my self worth"?

He answered it, explaining self realisation as the journey going through life.I asked myself:
"There have been not. one but many in my case,which does he refer to? 
The Transformation
Act 3 is your Implementation, your implementation insight. He said: "if someone gives you "the chance to search for a Chance,would you take it? " He answered it himself and then asked the audience: "What would you say." With a roaring applause, the crowd bleated:"Year"  

I immediately questioned myself: "Don't we always follow the crowd, don't we always follow the leader,why don't we be ourselves for a change?" 

He did not give me time to contemplate,as he answered it himself. "Do you see the reality of the problem ? always prompting an affirmative.The problem, the journey snd the transformation as construed as the solution? 

Unmistakably the mesmerised crowd balled: "Year?" 

Business leaders have this as their model of action, to lead and manage people, he said. 

"The more successful you become, the more people need you; the more following you have, the more money you make." He gave this so casually, as if it was the be all and end all for everyone,living? I was constrained to say to him: "He needs to read: What The Buddha taught?"

What is success?

How do you describe the  business you will create, the business you will expand?
What problem does my business solve? 
Who is it for, who benefits from it?
What product or service will it offer?
What will be the income from this business? 

The decisions to all these questions:
-  will INFLUENCE the outcome -which is the rate of result. 
-  will IMPACT you - in a stress free life
-  will provide INCOME - a steady growth
-  will INSPIRE - further development.

What Andy said and how he controlled his audience is the lesson of "Power to Achieve"?

What is the real "power to achieve"?

What Andy Harrington said and how he made himself as a Guru,is not new. This is the mantra of many, many like him, who sell themselves as the answer to all our today's problems. 

The crowd which rallied around Andy in an risk filled, over crowded, smoke filled,tiring and loud environment, willing and wanting to sit down for hours with short breaks; who found that all is fine in a Hotel Hall in the heart of London. What was not visualised was, that it was considered as normal, unnoticed by any authorities, uncared by the services, both public and private. Many I guess got tired like me, overwhelmed by the rhetoric of a ordinary man who was able to mesmerise his audience.

It is the same crowd that would sign any disclaimer of any harm or any hindrance or hazard, all for the sake of wanting to be in love with a voice of a Guru, who they think can make them empowered and overnight turn them to be millionaires.

It is this same crowd of people over 1300, who think they do not know what they want in life (che vuoi?) or  they think they do so, for"they know not what they want." 

Nobody in their right mind really feels, but everyone knows that there is no such thing as "a short cut to be a millionaire," a quick fix to wealth, but they want to hear of "the promise" of a short cut (pour jouissance).

The illusion of life today

The illusion of life today is the promise of "paradise". Credit must go to Andy Harrington for never questioning the self certainty or hysteria of his followers (the crowd) but simultaneously be competent to "use" the same hysteria by establishing himself as "Master" who asks:

"Why am I ,who you say, I am?" "Why do so many of you want me,when I do not want myself." 

This is the illusion of today's life. There is no denying people will die without knowing what their true problems are? What is being offered to these masses, the hard working class, is a forced choice, and a promise to heal their traumatic wounds of their working lives,with ease.

Victor Cherubim

Monday 5 February 2018

Who do we trust?

Who do we trust? The people of Britain or the EU?

Britain has made it known  today 5 February 2018 that it will leave the Customs Union  - the EU tariff free trading area - after Brexit on 29 March 2019.

It is not just a question of staying in "the" Customs Union,  but also remaining in "a" Customs Union. 

This categoric decision,perhaps a milestone in the process of negotiation, has come after the reason for optimism in Britain  was questioned.  Though the 27 European Leaders at their Summit in Brussels in December 2017, had accepted that "sufficient progress" had been made in Brexit talks with Britain,to move on to the second phase in the negotiation,there was need for clarity.

The main issue of contention was the "transition period" and the "implementation period" after Britain's exit. It now seems to have been overcome at least for the time being.

An orderly withdrawal from  the EU, as if such a move was in always in doubt,was echoed in the statement issued by EU Negotiator Michel Barnier,while meeting with the British Prime Minister. His warning was that the UK "will face unavoidable barriers to trade". He said that "the time had come for UK to choose what it wanted after its 2019 exit.

The Second Phase of EU/UK Art.50 Negotiations in Brussels will commence 6 to 9 February 2018, concluding with the Meeting of Coordinators of EU, without Britain's presence.

The Statement from 10 Downing Street has made it abundantly clear that Britain had no intention of remaining in the Single Market/ Customs Union and that the Free Movement of peoples will not be allowed after Britain left the European Union.

The preparation for withdrawal from Europe was not a flash in the pan, It was well planned after the EU Referendum of June 2016. 

The people of Britain had made their voice known and it was loud and clear. 

Though details of the decision to leave the Customs Union are vague at present,the Government says it will propose an innovative and untested approach to customs checks as part of its Brexit negotiations, perhaps, the possibility of a "temporary Customs Union"to avoid a cliff edge for business as they adapt to the new arrangements.

Everybody is well aware that banks, landlords and employers have been on notice by Government bodies since the referendum, that they would face high fines for providing services to illegal migrants from Europe and elsewhere without proof of settled status.

The right to work and stay in the UK post transition has not been guaranteed.Further a Declaration of Nationality has been required of immigrants by Banks for investment in Britain. 

It was felt,that Britain could not reasonably be expected to accept, or accommodate the number of migrant workers from EU, after Brexit

Thus carefully and cautiously every step  by Britain is in the direction of taking back control of its borders, its laws and its trade.

Victor Cherubim

Friday 2 February 2018

The Conservative Party's Dilemma?

The Conservative Party's Dilemma?

Everyone I know talks glibly about a change in leadership in the Conservative Party.It is a hot potato,but no one wants a challenge,leaving Brexit negotiations in chaos and the country having "to change horses midstream".

Quite, because any new leader the Tories propose or produce,will leave the party divided, wounded and vulnerable. It would let Jeremy Corbyn into office by the back door, with plans for "re-nationalisation" as no one has envisaged and the possible end in sight for tuition fees, with the taxpayer funding the changeover.

Theresa May could face a leadership challenge from her own backbenchers if 48 MP's call a leadership vote and plunge Britain into more misery.

The need to get back to Tory basics by booting house ownership and cutting taxes is the rally of some young Tories who are frustrated by the way Jeremy Corbyn has mustered the Labour young, with "Momentum" promises.

If the Conservative Party forces a leadership challenge, it will no doubt be clinical. We have seen over time when the Tories regard a leader as irrevocably damaged, they hardly hesitate to act. The two names that comes to mind are Maggie Thatcher and IDS. Both were finished off before the electorate had a chance. But have the Tories now changed?

David Davis, UK's Chief Negotiator, while inviting his counterpart,EU Chief Negotiator,Michel Barnier, for a working visit to London on 2 February 2018 states:

"As an independent country,when no longer a member of the European Union, the United Kingdon will once again have its own trading policy. This is a vital aspect of this period. For the first time in more than 40 years,we will be able to step out and sign trade deals with old friends - and new allies - around the globe."

Is it "implementation" or "transitional" period?

Theresa May's negotiations

The Conservative Party of diehard Blues has always looked to a woman to please everyone,and please no one simultaneously, during times of party disunity.

Theresa May has fitted the bill perfectly. In the face of impasse in the EU negotiations in December 2017, she managed to pull Britain "out of the valley of thunder." 

Now at the end of a three day visit to China by a British Prime Minister, with the biggest ever business delegation of 50 or more Executives and University Professionals,Theresa May, it is reported, has clinched a $9 billion deal with China, ahead of Brexit. This initiative includes the extension of the Maths Teacher exchange programme from China to UK and the reciprocal English Language Learning programme in China by Britain.

Many will remember,this same Theresa May when she first arrived at Downing Street, demanded national security checks for the £18 billion Hinckley Point Nuclear deal agreed between the French Utility Contractors EDF and the Chinese State backed firm CGN. She renegotiated this contract and obtained a generous minimum price for electricity.

The Chinese are on record to plan long term.The deal Theresa May got on her recent visit was in reciprocity to boost Chinese trade and investment after Brexit.

With this assurance from China, a confident Theresa May has vowed she would not be deflected, even by stark forecasts of an economic price paid for Brexit. She said: "The British people want us to leave the European Union,and that is what we will be doing".

Cost Benefit Analysis

The day Theresa May returned with a vote of confidence, the British Pound rallied to £1.42 to the Greenback.

Britain leaving Europe on World Trade Organisation (WTO) terms would reduce growth by 8% over 15 years.

Leaving EU with a Canada style Free Trade deal, will see growth cut by 5%,while even staying, remaining inside the single market would, according to Economic Analysts, reduce growth forecast by 2%.

Deal or No Deal

Making it possible for UK to"negotiate a good trade deal,and also take back control" of money,borders and laws is no easy task.

But Prime Minister,Theresa May has said there are no alternatives. 

All she wanted it appears, is to take control of both sides of the Brexit debate, at least for the time being. She has earned a respite from her braying backbenchers.

How long can it last?

It is anybody's and everybody's guess how long it will last.With her party's current crop of 317 MP's, it only takes 48 MP's or 15% of her strength to call for a vote to trigger a leadership election, which we can expect to be rather bold,if not bloody.

MP's of all parties are most aware that the voting public will no doubt punish a warring party at the polls.

Victor Cherubim