Wednesday 14 February 2018

What Britons can do after Brexit?

What Britons can do after Brexit?

Prime Minister Theresa May and some of her Ministers are having a series of public speeches to heal the divisions,not only in the country, but in the Conservative Party, after months of wrangling since the Brexit Referendum,June 2016. Many observers consider it as a charm offensive.Who better than Foreign Secretary,Boris Johnson,according to the Prime Minister, to start this process at the offices of Policy Exchange  in Central London on 14 February 2018?

Boris Johnson in his half hour address entitled: "The Road to Brexit," tried in his usual way to reach out to non-Brexiteers, by insisting the economic fears were unfounded, that Brexit is not some "V" sign from the cliffs of Dover. He went on to state: "Britons will still be able to live,work and retire in the European Union after Brexit".

The three concerns of the British people

He highlighted his view of  three major concerns the British people had raised with him:
1.    Whether he was the right person to engage with the people to find out their fears?
2.    The question of a Second Referendum?
3.    The real fear of the economic impact on the lives of ordinary people?

He answered that the whole Cabinet was behind Prime Minister May in her mission to unite the country.He further said: "We are all very lucky to serve, and I am one of them."

On the second questions he said:"I will say with all candour that if there were to be a second vote, I believe we would simply have another year of wrangling and turmoil and feuding in which the whole country would lose - so let's not go there?

On the third fear of the economic impact of leaving the European Union, he said,"we are not seen as an economic threat but more as an opportunity of investment, leaving the bloc is a cause for hope, not fear".
He went on to elaborate:  "the lion's share of of the growth is taking place outside the EU and especially in the Asia Pacific region. Of course, we must remain a magnet for ambition and drive. We will be able to take back control of our borders. We need to ask ourselves some hard questions about the impact of 20 years of uncontrolled immigration of low skilled, low waged workers. We do not want to haul up the drawbridge and certainly don't want to deter the international students (skilled nurses) who make such a huge contribution to our economy. We already have 155,000 Chinese students in this country."

Questions to Boris 

To questions inside the hall, from media and from the invited diplomats, Boris Johnson, the prominent Leave campaigner added: "Leaving the EU is not nationalist, nor xenophobia. Stopping Brexit will be disastrous".When taking questions, Boris was never other than his usual self, full of innuendo and  humour. People seem to like his way of speech. Having apparently misheard one question from his audience about "clarity," he beautifully segues to address the issue of farming. He joked about  sex tourism for British tourists without Visa restriction abroad, carefully diverting attention from the serious nature of the issue at hand.

Comments from outside

Within minutes of Boris Johnson outlining his vision for the country's departure from the EU, Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Commissioner accused the Foreign Secretary of talking "total nonsense" by refuting the claim that " he never wanted to turn the bloc into a superstate."

Some other critics have said that "Boris is the clown of the Brexit circus." They have named him: "Cake and Eat it,Boris."

Still others, in the Labour Party's Shadow Brexit Secretary, Keir Starmer, maintains: "Instead of building consensus we need, the Government's approach will only further divide the country, put jobs, rights and living standards at risk."

If Boris Johnson is such a liability to the Conservative Party, why did Prime Minister, Theresa May select him to lead the line up of her Ministers to deliver his message to the people?

Victor Cherubim


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