Wednesday 25 April 2018

The Windrush Generation

The Windrush Generation - 70 years on

HMT Empire Windrush, a chartered passenger vessel  is noted for and now synonymous with the first post WWII immigration to Britain of West Indian people.The vessel docked  at Tilbury,in London on 22 June 1948,on as sunny a day as the weather back home.

As the 492 men from Jamaica and Trinidad (and several stowaways) disembarked taking their first steps in Commonwealth Britain, they did not know what their future would be 70 years later. 

They had paid £28.00 in hard earned money for their passage and made their way to the unknown, what they hoped would be a brighter future.

It was not the only ship that brought migrants from the West Indies to UK. 

It was a way to recruit cheap manual labour from the Commonwealth to cover employment shortages in state run services, like British Rail. 

Some people who are now called the Windrush geration, the descendants of the early migrants,would be able to relate all the trials and tribulations they may have gone through. But in the end have come out just as equal or a few better than anyone else except the "true blue" Eton educated class.                      

Windrush generation migrants were entitled to be in the UK. Like most migrants they worked hard,saved up money,bought dilapidated houses, renovated them and made them habitable. They went back and forth for holidays in the Caribbean and also underwent hardship in the 1980's due to the police "policy of stop and search" due to a rise in crime,which was rightly or wrongly attributed to them. Xenophobia was one way to control their ambitions in England. Another method of thwarting their "happy go lucky" lifestyle,their love of their Caribbean cultural heritage ,food,music and dance,was penalising them for being "more British than the British" because they showed an inclination to adjust,adept and adopt to their new home in Britain. 

In this process many migrants renewed their passports of their home countries but indolently failed to secure the documentation to prove their residency status in Britain by obtaining Home Office documentation,which by default they took for granted.

The only proof of their entitlement for residence in Britain on return from holidays abroad was the Immigration exit and entry stamp on their passports. In the late 1990's it was no longer a requirement to fill in an Disembarkation Immigration Card, on a Landing Card on return. A decision by the Home Office was taken to destroy the Landing Card documentation.

Then started the problem for the Windrush immigrants. But it was a low key affair and not a full blown issue. It was only late last year 2017 that there was further tightening of rules on Immigration by the Office of Homeland Security, a branch of the Home Office. In this process many faced problems to access healthcare and registration with GP's as well as other State services being denied particularly after visits abroad were refused NHS treatment if they could not prove their nationality. 
Why the hullabaloo now?

A West Indian immigrant's son, David Lammy,  a constituency M.P. for Tottenham,in North London had brought it out into the open in Parliament some days ago (23 April 2018)  that people who had arrived in the U.K. before 1973 were automatically granted "indefinite leave to remain," yet the Home Office did not keep a record of those allowed to stay, or they had destroyed (shredded) any documentation conferring their status,some years ago.
The Home Office is facing fresh anger over the Windrush scandal after heartbreaking new cases emerged, as raised by MP Lammy, in the House of Commons,to the chagrin of MP's and the public.

He stated that "I have a man who arrived as a boy from Jamaica in 1964, aged 6 years. He is very worried he faces removal from the U.K. despite having official paperwork dating back decades."

There were 12,800 cases of enforced returns of immigrants who could not prove their status in 2017. Many were assisted returns to the Caribbean with the help of International Office of Migrants (IOM).

Lammy, M.P. was inflamed  with many complaints coming to light. He went on to say: "I am disgusted and appalled by the case of his constituents." 

He continued on Twitter: "My parents came here as citizens, now the Windrush generation are suffering inhumane treatment at the hands of the Home Office."

Many immigrants are now British Citizens 

While many of those who arrived have taken British citizenship or have official documents proving their status, many others have struggled to source paperwork demonstrating they are lawfully resident.                   

Home Secretary, Hon .Amber Rudd tried to calm the furore by making an apology in the Commons and announcing an emergency package of measures designed to resolve the crisis.

Shadow Home Secretary,Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington  , demanded in the House that anyone who misleads Parliament is expected to resign. Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn followed stating: "The Home Secretary had lost her grip on her department by the inaccurate of her statements."


Under the plan 1000's who arrived from the Commonwealth will be offered a chance to obtain British citizenship free of charge and without the requirement to take an English Language test.
Reuters quoted the Home Secretary as stating  that she "deeply regretted failing to realise there was a widespread problem that some Caribbean immigrants who have lived legally in Britain for decades were being labelled illegal immigrants."

The Home Secretary of H.M. Government is a tough and thankless job,.David Blunkett,Labour (resigned 15 Dec. 2004) and Charles Clark,Labour was dismissed as Home Secretary in 2006.

The Home Office covers everything from police,prisons,immigration to homeland security,counter terrorism and civil emergencies.

The Guardian said:"The job of Home Secretary is often described as a poisoned chalice,sometimes little more than a year passes before its latest occupant slinks out of Queen Anne's Gate." 

The anomaly 

It is not the children born to the original West Indies immigrants, who are more fluent in English than some British, but the migrants from the European Union who have come in drones and are taking the very jobs of the British,who are not required to take the English Language Test.

Over the years since Britain joined the EU in 1979,hundreds of thousands from the Continent have come in search of jobs, driving many West Indians out of their jobs at Rail stations,in the NHS and other jobs..EU citizens we're told are creaming the jobs market, some working for less wages than offered to locals or those from the Commonwealth. Strange as it seems, the children of the Windrush Generation have been recruited in H.M. Forces and have done well in different occupations for themselves and for Britain. 

To little, too late

Anticipating this hue and cry a month ago, the Government,has brought in the minimum wage and the minimum living wage into law, but the EU immigrants know how to get round this directive.                                 
 The Windrush scandal is news, but my Windrush Jamaican plumber is minting money. He has City and Guilds qualification and his work is in great demand. The second and third generation of Windrush immigrants speak English better than the cockneys,their dress sense is exemplary, and their aspirations as lawyers,engineers, doctors,accountants, and professionals,is well beyond expectation.

Gone are the days when they lived in the ghettos of Brixton and Birmingham. They now command properties in the leafy suburbs of most cities.

I won't be surprised to see the office of the next Mayor of London being taken by a West Indian, in due course. 

Victor Cherubim  

Sunday 22 April 2018

A Survey for a political strategy in Sri Lanka?

 Eight Questions for a survey of political strategy in Sri Lanka?

Q.1.  As Sri Lanka's most experienced and astute senior ministers tussle with a political strategy for the continuation of a "Yahapalanaya" united government, what are your ideas for the abolition of the Executive Presidency in Sri Lanka?The Janata Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) a left of centre,once revolutionary Marxist Party, has decided with the help of the Joint Opposition to submit proposals for a vote amendment to the Constitution at the opening of the Second Session of Parliament due in mid May 2018.Could this topple the present Government?

Q.2. As part of  financial regulation and the willingness as stated by the present Finance & Media Minister,Hon.Mangala Samaraweera, at CHOGM in London April 18,2018,to take stern measures to deal with financial crime in Sri Lanka,what immediate steps need be implemented for a robust financial regulation and what is its timeframe?

Q.3. Among the greatest concerns after the 30 year old war in Sri Lanka is  the unbearable debt burden/mountain left by the previous administration for future generations of Sri Lankans. Explanations tendered was due to mismanagement of the economy and the flight of skilled managerial talent, rather than wonton corruption as alleged. What measures are necessary in the present to curb the increasing debt accumulation among single family women breadwinners in rural Sri Lanka among both the Tamil and Sinhala communities for their daily needs and survival? What could be done to alleviate poverty and eradicate the prohibitive interest rates levied by unscrupulous moneylenders who are like leaches among these people?

Q.4. Since past President Premadasa in the 1980's no major political party in Sri Lanka has been able to gain an absolute majority to form a stable government except in 2010 when immediate past President Mahinda Rajapaksa used the late LTTE Leader Prabaharan to mandate his followers to refrain from exercise of their vote at the Presidential election, craftily maiming a large section of the electorate. What are your views whether any future Sri Lanka political party can gain a controlling majority, without the support of the minority communities, Tamils, Muslims and Up Country Tamils to form a stable government?

Q.5. Gold smuggling racket has existed in Sri Lanka due partially, if not wholly, to the concessionary tax rate on import of gold. The recent imposition of the 15% import duty on Gold,could be considered as a disincentive for the jewellery trade which brings in revenue, but is a necessity as well as necessarily a deterrent in illicit trade. What other regulation can be implemented to tax big business and especially tax evasion in Sri Lanka?

Q.6. Sri Lankan Army recently in March 2018 released about 700 acres of land in Myliddy,North Sri Lanka,previously a military camp,nine years after the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka, to its lawful owners of the Tamil community.What can be done in your opinion to establish transparency in other human rights for the minorities who continue to be in detention without trial as political prisoners, as well as the already agreed repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism (PTA) legislation by the Government of Sri Lanka at UNHRC Geneva?

Q.7. What tax incentives could be offered to open up the Dry Zone in Sri Lanka for the re-construction and renovation of the water tanks and waterholes which due to climate change no longer serve as the breadbasket of Sri Lanka? How  can you assist farmers to get value for money for their crops not only in the Dry Zone, but all over Sri Lanka due to unscrupulous middlemen raking in the profit?

Q.8. Lastly, what one thing would you do to attract entrepreneurs from Sri Lankans living abroad to return their wealth and invest in business in their motherland?

Victor Cherubim   

Monday 16 April 2018

Fly through 100 years of Aviation History

100 years of Aviation history

Fly through 100 years of Aviation history to discover the details of the RAF's vital role in World War II, its contribution during the Cold War and its ongoing dedication to defending the UK and more recently providing life saving aid in the aftermath of natural disasters at sea. You will find that most of the RAF aircraft and personnel are based in the UK with many others serving on operations overseas (mainly over Iraq and now Syria) or at long established overseas bases in the Ascension Islands, Akrotiri, on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, as well as Dkekelia,a British Overseas Territory, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands. 

The RAF maintains an operational fleet of various types of aircraft,largely fixed wing, including fighter and strike aircraft,early warning and control aircraft,strategic and tactical transport aircraft. For air displays it has the Red Arrows.
History of RAF
"The first air force of the world,independent of the army or navy control came in operation on 1 April 1918. This was the birth of the RAF, when at the end of World War I ,the pilots of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Navy Air Service were merged into a new organisation. King George V issued a proclamation in the London Gazette on 15 March 1917, giving the new service the more familiar name, Royal Air Force." 

In Commemoration of 100 years service

It is arguably the most important military anniversary to be celebrated in British history in 100 years. It celebrates its centenary as one of the pillars of the armed forces not only in Britain, but has become the blueprint for air forces across the world.
In commemoration of RAF Centenary, Royal Mail issued 6 existing RAF aircraft stamps, the Lightning F6, Hurricane MK1, Vulcan B2, Typhoon FGR 4, Sopwith Camel F1 and Nimrod MR2, besides 4 stamps in flight of the "Red Arrows".
Regrettably, none of the stamps had inscription of the word:"Centenary."  
The Royal Mint also issued Coins with the 
images of the various types of aircraft in use.

Mission of RAF
Its mission is to support the MOD, which includes to provide the capabilities needed to ensure , the security and defence of the UK and overseas territories, whether at war or in peace time, including terrorism,promoting peace and security. 

The latest combat mission                      

The latest combat mission was when RAF Tornado aircraft from Cyprus took off in the early hours of 14 April 2018 reaching speeds of up to 800 Km/h with payload under their wings in a sophisticated satellite positioning cruise missiles and successfully completed their mission aimed at a target 15 miles west of the Syrian city of Homs, where it was said to house chemical weapons used to attack civilians including children in Douma nearby. All combat aircraft returned safe to base.

Victor Cherubim

Unseasonal warmth in London as Commonwealth Heads meet

Unseasonal warmth in London as the Commonwealth Heads meet

The weather in London this week will reach 25C for 53 nations from around six continents to gather for the 25th CHOGM hosted by UK between the 16 - 20 April 2016.

For the first time since 2003, the Republic of Zimbabwe will be invited to attend this assembly this year.

In the face of global isolation and the need for a stand against protectionism, the Commonwealth, a bastion of "free trade" and home to one third of the world's  population, each nation will have an equal say regardless of its size  or their economic structure. 

This year's theme is "Towards a Common Future" with sub heading of the summit being a more sustainable, fairer, secure and a more prosperous future.  With 1 billion of the 2.3 billion population of the Commonwealth being young people, the engagement of the young fits in with the way forward.

Prince Harry opened the Commonwealth Youth Forum at Queen Elizabeth Hall,London on 16 April 2018.

The Challenges ahead include the focus on future leadership of the Commonwealth, the trade and investment after Brexit, the refugee crisis in Sudan,the Rohingya people, the LBGT issue among many others.

The Commonwealth Summit of Leaders will attend working sessions to discuss shared global challenges, attend a dinner hosted by H.M. Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace and gather at Windsor Castle for the Leaders Retreat to meet each other individually and engage in frank dialogue to set the course for future Commonwealth cooperation.

The Chair of the Commonwealth nations until 2020 will pass from Malta to United Kingdom. It will coincide with the Commonwealth becoming the trading block for Britain past Brexit and its withdrawal from EU.

Behind the scene, the two main items of planning are trade and investment. By creating an "international rule based order rather than a deal based system" it is hoped business decisions would be influenced by stability and certainty, to overcome the global  challenges the nations of the Commonwealth will face in the future.

Although an ambitious programme of action is ahead,the milestones of achievement over the years is noticeable to keep the Commonwealth united.

The 26th CHOGM as decided at Malta, will be held in Malaysia.

Victor Cherubim

Friday 13 April 2018

Prince Harry - Megan Markle Wedding

What we can expect at Prince Harry's Wedding 

A huge sense of expectation surrounds the wedding of Prince Harry, the youngest son of Prince of Wales and Late Princess Diana.

Prince Harry and Rachel Megan Markle's wedding takes place on the 19th May 2018 at St.George's Gothic Chapel, Windsor Castle, Berkshire. 

The couple met on a blind date in July 2016, an unconventional way a royal has met their future spouse. But it is exactly how the dashing young Army Captain would have wanted - an increasing sense of living life in the modern world.

That was well before both of them decided to holiday in far away Botswana, Africa away from the media spotlight.

On 27 November 2017 the pair confirmed they were a couple and got engaged at Kensington Palace,London.  

Preparation for the Wedding
With eight weeks until the Royal Wedding, the revellery has started. 

There is nothing like a royal wedding to bring out a fever of excitement. Everyone is guessing what title Prince Harry will carry and be bestowed by H.M. The Queen after his wedding. The name mentioned privately is the Duke of Sussex and Megan will then take the title Duchess of Sussex. She will be everybody's attention in royal circles, other than known as Princess, which is conferred only on royal ancestry. We know her fashion sense will be examined in greater detail and in fact emulated by many. Megan will receive her very own Coat of Arms,before the wedding.

In preparation for their greatest day,we are told Prince Harry has reportedly changed his diet,quit smoking, stopped much drinking and has been hitting up the Gym. Apparently he has lost 10 lbs. Megan has been going through some rigourous  royal security training including learn how to respond to hostage and emergency situations as a member of the royal family. She will also receive training how to behave without close protection and react appropriately in perilous circumstances. Every part of her life from now will be organised. How romantic, to say the least. 

The Wedding Ceremony

The Wedding service will begin at 12 noon .The Dean of Winsdor will conduct the service and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev.Justin Welby will officiate as the couple take their vows. Prince George and Princess Charlotte will serve as Page Boy and Bridesmaid, with Jessica Mulroney, Markle's closest friend's daughter,Ivy as Flower Girl.There is a chance that Thomas Markle,might be walking his daughter down the aisle, while her mother Doria Ragland will attend to most ceremonies.  At 1.00 p.m. after the service there will be a formal reception at St.George's Hall.The newly married royal couple will then take a carriage ride through Windsor Town. In the evening the Royal Couple will host a private reception for their closest friends and family. 

The honeymoon
In today's world there is nothing secret. According to the Daily Mail, more like rumour the honeymoon location is not officially disclosed, but the paper states, the Royal Couple will be staying at a luxury lodge in Namibia,West Africa, after their wedding.

The life of the Royal Couple 
We know the newly weds will be taking on much of the royal duties. Prince Harry has already been honoured by the Queen by being made the President,The Commonwealth Trust ahead  of his wedding.This will mean he would take on a bigger role in the Commonwealth to make the organisation "relevant to a younger generation". It is indeed a very astute move giving the young royal, a non political,global role,drawing on his charisma and energy to help keep the 53 member nations of the Commonwealth as one. 

Unlike other royals prior to marriage,Meghan, has already shared the limelight with Prince Harry since engagement,visiting various parts of the United Kingdom with the Prince and has been part of the Royal Family at various state functions. 

The  tweet from Kensington Palace states:"Prince Harry and Ms.Markle would like their wedding day to be shaped to allow members of the public to share in their joy and the fun of the day." 

Public Invitation to wedding
We know 2640 members of the public have received invitations to the wedding at  Windsor Castle.We also know tens of thousands of spectators are expected to flock to Windsor Castle.                      

There is a wedding souvenir rush.Everything from Megan and Prince Harry scarves, mugs,badges, bookmarks,tea towels,candles and even jumpers are being flogged by souvenir vendors and on line.There are the high end souvenirs like Gold trinkets,commemorative china ware, not forgetting commemorative stamps from all over the Commonwealth, perhaps,the world.
Down to Earth
 Life is also down to earth. Prince Harry has summed up his future life with his bride. "Whatever we hope to tackle together,or individually, we will always be us  together as a team." 
Prince Harry is 5th in line to the throne and no doubt he is aware of his responsibilities.

Victor Cherubim       

Monday 2 April 2018

Brexit - B Day 29 March 2019

Brexit -B Day 2019 -  Survey at 29 March 2018 -
Progress made and to be made until B Day

    Issues             Progress                     Cost/Estimate Benefit         Agreed                  Score

1.   Money          Contentiousness          Euro 100 billion               Euro 40 bn.                     5/5
      Divorce         smoothly overcome                                              Repayment   
      Settlement                                                                                    by year 2064

2.  Legislation    Largest detailed             Customs control       EU Withdrawal Bill               2/5
     for Brexit      Constitutional legal         Immigration             going through Lords 
                            framework undertaken   Trade/Agriculture     Other regulations
                            Slow/Slow/Unsteady       Fisheries          changes not drafted

3.   Border      Most difficult              A fudged issue                 EU threatens                    1/5    
      Northern       contentious,little           Technical                   Trade talks 
      Ireland          substantive progress   possibility               suspension
                                                                                                         deadline 12/18
4.  Transition     Keeping UK inside   Mutually              EU Council signs off            5/5
                            EU until Dec.2020           satisfactory       as fully agreed

5.  Citizenship     Any EU Citizen               No appreciable     Policing not                            4/5
      Rights            arriving in UK before      change,but UK     clarified
                             Dec.2020 will enjoy         citizens may
                             same status as now.        be slightly
                             Same applies to UK         disadvantaged
                             Citizens in Europe

6.  Financial      Downgrade of demands.   Transition deal    Matter less                          2/5
     Services       British Banks being            not enough for    pressing for
     for access     allowed to transact/           stopping jobs      present
     to                   migration of contingency   moving across 
     London         business without                to Europe
                            submission to                  
                            different regulation
                            in EU

7.    Devolution  Scottish National Party       Shared power     Fishing quotas                  3/5
                            has made noises blocking    discussions          to remain 
                            Brexit Withdrawal Bill         making progress 
                            likely to relent extracting
                            concessions from Westminster

8.   Contingency  Chancellor of Exchequer      Obviated by         Matter less                   2/5     
      No deal plan    has made provision    other issues      pressing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Total 24/40
Agenda Ahead

1.    European Summit June 28,2018
2.    Conservative Party Conference  October 18,2018
3.    European Summit  October 18,2018 -First Crunch Meeting before deadline date
4.    European Summit   December 13,2018 - Last date for ratification of political declaration
5.    House of Commons Vote on Withdrawal Treaty  - Autumn/Winter 2018/19 by both 
       EU's 750 MEP's and Westminster MP's.
6.    Britain formally leaves European Union at 11 p.m. GMT (Midnight Brussels) 29/03/19.