Monday 2 April 2018

Brexit - B Day 29 March 2019

Brexit -B Day 2019 -  Survey at 29 March 2018 -
Progress made and to be made until B Day

    Issues             Progress                     Cost/Estimate Benefit         Agreed                  Score

1.   Money          Contentiousness          Euro 100 billion               Euro 40 bn.                     5/5
      Divorce         smoothly overcome                                              Repayment   
      Settlement                                                                                    by year 2064

2.  Legislation    Largest detailed             Customs control       EU Withdrawal Bill               2/5
     for Brexit      Constitutional legal         Immigration             going through Lords 
                            framework undertaken   Trade/Agriculture     Other regulations
                            Slow/Slow/Unsteady       Fisheries          changes not drafted

3.   Border      Most difficult              A fudged issue                 EU threatens                    1/5    
      Northern       contentious,little           Technical                   Trade talks 
      Ireland          substantive progress   possibility               suspension
                                                                                                         deadline 12/18
4.  Transition     Keeping UK inside   Mutually              EU Council signs off            5/5
                            EU until Dec.2020           satisfactory       as fully agreed

5.  Citizenship     Any EU Citizen               No appreciable     Policing not                            4/5
      Rights            arriving in UK before      change,but UK     clarified
                             Dec.2020 will enjoy         citizens may
                             same status as now.        be slightly
                             Same applies to UK         disadvantaged
                             Citizens in Europe

6.  Financial      Downgrade of demands.   Transition deal    Matter less                          2/5
     Services       British Banks being            not enough for    pressing for
     for access     allowed to transact/           stopping jobs      present
     to                   migration of contingency   moving across 
     London         business without                to Europe
                            submission to                  
                            different regulation
                            in EU

7.    Devolution  Scottish National Party       Shared power     Fishing quotas                  3/5
                            has made noises blocking    discussions          to remain 
                            Brexit Withdrawal Bill         making progress 
                            likely to relent extracting
                            concessions from Westminster

8.   Contingency  Chancellor of Exchequer      Obviated by         Matter less                   2/5     
      No deal plan    has made provision    other issues      pressing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Total 24/40
Agenda Ahead

1.    European Summit June 28,2018
2.    Conservative Party Conference  October 18,2018
3.    European Summit  October 18,2018 -First Crunch Meeting before deadline date
4.    European Summit   December 13,2018 - Last date for ratification of political declaration
5.    House of Commons Vote on Withdrawal Treaty  - Autumn/Winter 2018/19 by both 
       EU's 750 MEP's and Westminster MP's.
6.    Britain formally leaves European Union at 11 p.m. GMT (Midnight Brussels) 29/03/19. 


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