Sunday 22 April 2018

A Survey for a political strategy in Sri Lanka?

 Eight Questions for a survey of political strategy in Sri Lanka?

Q.1.  As Sri Lanka's most experienced and astute senior ministers tussle with a political strategy for the continuation of a "Yahapalanaya" united government, what are your ideas for the abolition of the Executive Presidency in Sri Lanka?The Janata Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) a left of centre,once revolutionary Marxist Party, has decided with the help of the Joint Opposition to submit proposals for a vote amendment to the Constitution at the opening of the Second Session of Parliament due in mid May 2018.Could this topple the present Government?

Q.2. As part of  financial regulation and the willingness as stated by the present Finance & Media Minister,Hon.Mangala Samaraweera, at CHOGM in London April 18,2018,to take stern measures to deal with financial crime in Sri Lanka,what immediate steps need be implemented for a robust financial regulation and what is its timeframe?

Q.3. Among the greatest concerns after the 30 year old war in Sri Lanka is  the unbearable debt burden/mountain left by the previous administration for future generations of Sri Lankans. Explanations tendered was due to mismanagement of the economy and the flight of skilled managerial talent, rather than wonton corruption as alleged. What measures are necessary in the present to curb the increasing debt accumulation among single family women breadwinners in rural Sri Lanka among both the Tamil and Sinhala communities for their daily needs and survival? What could be done to alleviate poverty and eradicate the prohibitive interest rates levied by unscrupulous moneylenders who are like leaches among these people?

Q.4. Since past President Premadasa in the 1980's no major political party in Sri Lanka has been able to gain an absolute majority to form a stable government except in 2010 when immediate past President Mahinda Rajapaksa used the late LTTE Leader Prabaharan to mandate his followers to refrain from exercise of their vote at the Presidential election, craftily maiming a large section of the electorate. What are your views whether any future Sri Lanka political party can gain a controlling majority, without the support of the minority communities, Tamils, Muslims and Up Country Tamils to form a stable government?

Q.5. Gold smuggling racket has existed in Sri Lanka due partially, if not wholly, to the concessionary tax rate on import of gold. The recent imposition of the 15% import duty on Gold,could be considered as a disincentive for the jewellery trade which brings in revenue, but is a necessity as well as necessarily a deterrent in illicit trade. What other regulation can be implemented to tax big business and especially tax evasion in Sri Lanka?

Q.6. Sri Lankan Army recently in March 2018 released about 700 acres of land in Myliddy,North Sri Lanka,previously a military camp,nine years after the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka, to its lawful owners of the Tamil community.What can be done in your opinion to establish transparency in other human rights for the minorities who continue to be in detention without trial as political prisoners, as well as the already agreed repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism (PTA) legislation by the Government of Sri Lanka at UNHRC Geneva?

Q.7. What tax incentives could be offered to open up the Dry Zone in Sri Lanka for the re-construction and renovation of the water tanks and waterholes which due to climate change no longer serve as the breadbasket of Sri Lanka? How  can you assist farmers to get value for money for their crops not only in the Dry Zone, but all over Sri Lanka due to unscrupulous middlemen raking in the profit?

Q.8. Lastly, what one thing would you do to attract entrepreneurs from Sri Lankans living abroad to return their wealth and invest in business in their motherland?

Victor Cherubim   


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