Friday 8 June 2018

China's First Friendship Medal

China's First Friendship Medal award to President Vladimir Putin 

The G7 World Nations is meeting at Quebec City,Canada, this weekend June 8-10,amid discontent among the G6 industrial nations with the attitude of the United States on Tariffs and Protection of Trade as well as Climate Change and Iran Nuclear Deal.

The Powers meeting are Canada, France,Germany,Italy,Japan,United Kingdom and United States, with observers from the European Union.

They were once the Great and the Good G8 nations meeting annually, then it became G7 with Russia removed after the annexation of Crimea, and perhaps it may end up being the G6 Powers,with United States abandoned, but not for now.

Quebec v Quingdao  

Another meeting, the Quingdao Summit - the 18th Meeting of the Councils of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Quingdao, a shipping port city in east coast China is also in session at the same time.

The SCO Eight regional nations meeting are China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan,Russia,Tajikistan,Uzbekistan, as well as four observer states and six dialogue partners.
It appears this gathering of nations,though not Great Powers,controls 60 % of the global population.It has a much closer and pragmatic approach to understanding of the
shifting sands of politics and may end up being "the Great and the Good" of tomorrow's world.

Secret meeting on the sidelines

There is the rumour that a secret meeting,the third  between Chairman Kim Jong un and Chinese President Xi in recent weeks in 2018 and perhaps President Putin may take place in Quingdao on the sidelines of the SCO and in advance of the possible meeting between Kim Jong un and President Donald Trump in Singapore on 12 June 2018. 

China is a signatory of the 1953 Armistice Agreement and China's participation in the Korea/US Peace process may become mandatory for any future deal.

Bilateral relations between China and Russia

With the recent strained relations between the United States and Russia,those between Russia and China have reached an incredibly higher level of true strategic partnership, is not in doubt.Besides geopolitics,the Russian economy is under great strain facing European sanctions and United States antipathy. Chinese trade with the United States on the other hand, is "under a cloud" on tariffs on steel and aluminium.There is an uncertain relationship with Donald Trump's United States, which China accepts but does not understand.

The next chapter

Imagine the next 40 years, with no China-Russian conflict, which is highly probable. The milestone of security cooperation between Russia and China was carved out in the Good Neighbourly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation signed nearly 17 years ago on 16 July 2001.

Geography favours China.The Pacific Ocean- the sea borders much of China. But China has 13 major railways to China-Russia border,while Russia has only one. 

History favours Russia.A land mass borders Russia. Russian military have more tanks,artillery and missiles than China land forces.

Chinese Navy is located in the Pacific Ocean, while Russian Navy overseas many areas. Gathering fleets together is much faster for China than for Russia,which is a logistic issue for Russia. But Russia has much more advantage and robust submarine force and a huge advantage if and when there is a nuclear war,since its missiles are much closer to Chinese major cities.                                           
Russia and China share a long land border, but the Russian side is sparsely populated with less than 2 million people and on the Chinese side, encounters many millions. Lots of Chinese settlers we are told are moving to Siberia and are bringing with them real prosperity. 

Political rapprochement and economic cooperation is already taking place between Russia and China in a number of other fields,energy,arms production,trade in currencies,strategic projects in transportation, including the Arctic Shipping route to Europe from the Pacific, as well as supporting infrastructure. 

In a strange sort of a way,this development is fostered by Western and NATO policies and actions of containment of Russia including sanctions related to Ukraine.Russia is surrounded in its borders by old fiends,now enemies,with Nato forces on alert. China luckily is surrounded by new friends and old enemies.

On the Chinese side - "One Belt,One Road" is projected as an alternative or supplement to the maritime route from the Far East to Europe reducing shipping times from 45 days to less than half this time. 

"China and Russia will both agree with ancient Sun Tzu, that the best battle is the one that is not fought,but won by economic cooperation."

China has always believed that economic integration has pragmatic implications. 

Russia has recently grown tired on it's large exposure to the West and is looking eastwards.

Both China and Russia are pushing to adjust to the new realities in search of alternative partnerships and trying to overcome their various economic and political differences for the sake of mutual interest.

Russia is strong in resources. Russia has energy,gas supplies which up to now have been diverted to the West, China desperately  needs energy supplies for its manufacturing industries. 

Trade however,has lagged behind. Despite an encouraging trend,the volume of trade between the two countries has suffered sharply

The new Chapter in China/Russia relations

In the world of today,in the name of friendship,alliances are being established. 

Reciprocity is the name of the game. Russian President,Vladimir Putin on November 4,2014 awarded the Russian Order of Friendship to Chen Ping, President of the National Grand Theatre in Beijing for his contribution to promoting Russia/China ties through cultural exchange and economic relations. 

Nearly four years later, in the name of good relations and mutual understanding,the Chinese have reciprocated.But it was precise timing and media attention that overtook the award of a new Friendship Award to Russia in return.

China's great appreciation to Russian President 

President Xi Jinping presenting the first Friendship Medal to his Russian  counterpart,Vladimir Putin at a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing today 8 June 2018 is  not without particular significance. The Gold Chain and medal symbolises  long term friendship and unity of purpose. Bilateral ties have been raised to a higher level,with existing relations ratcheted up,perhaps, by expediency. 

The body language between both Presidents speak louder than words.Both Presidents are of the same age, both seem to be on a mission to turn round their respective nations. But President Xi''s welcoming address expressed his respect and admiration for Putin's contribution and efforts to build a peaceful world.

The Order of Friendship of China (youyi xunzhang) is exclusively reserved for foreigners and awarded to President Putin, at a time and at the choosing by the Chinese.

The Order of Friendship of Russia is not exclusively reserved. Russian and foreigners are eligible for this honour. The other difference is it is not dependent on signing any new alliances,military or otherwise,but can be awarded to anybody.

This indeed is the world of difference.

Victor Cherubim 


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