Wednesday 12 June 2019

Don't ever say our Government is unstable?

Let's not ever say,our Government is unstable?

Since the Easter tragedy, Sri Lankans are behaving as if they are  children, they are novices, spouting out whatever that comes to mind. Though we have always thought through what has sprung from our mouths, we are somehow behaving uncharacteristically. Naturally,we are shaken, of course, we are concerned, but our concern has taken a different shape. We are in a "finding fault" mode and mind set, assigning blame.

I am sure many may have watched the TV episode of "Faulty Towers." If you have been lukewarm or even turned turned off British comedy and sadistic humour, you need to see Basil Fawlty, played by John Cleese, who is cynical and snobbish misanthrope, who really is desperate to belong to a higher social class. He sees a successful hotel as a means of achieving this, yet his job forces him to be polite to people he despises. He is intimidated by his wife,Sybil Fawlty. Basil and the rest of the staff are in deep trouble when the food and health Inspector turns up for his semi annual visit to the hotel. The Inspector has a long list of complaints about the level of cleanliness in the hotel. Things becomes even worse when Manuel, who is keeping his pet "rat" gets loose in the hotel. Basil,of course panics, yet again when he tells his staff "when German guests arrive to stay in the hotel". He tells his staff "Don't ever mention a word about the war"? It is hilarious, because as we watch the scene ourselves, we recognise that feeling. 

What's the feeling?

Once something is forbidden to say or do, it becomes part of our human nature and very difficult indeed for us, not to say or do it. To take it one step beyond, if Adam and Even were not human, perhaps, they would not have disobeyed,causing our "original sin."

I am sure you see the connection, it seems everywhere in Sri Lanka, they want to or really are desperate to spill the beans, to get on the good books of one group or the other, partly to exonerate themselves. 

We are told in the "identity of politics" many Sri Lankans, politicians included, can hardly keep their wits about. They find it impossible to keep "boundaries" between what can and cannot be said in the public domain?There is so much chatter, bantam chatter, what could be the cause of possibly grave consequences?

It appears that people want to or try to "guilt trip" their leaders, for their leaders to feel that they are  easily falling into manholes, creating a "guilt complex" in the chain of command. 

For the sake of self preservation, for the sake of national pride,it is high time our politicians stop playing the "emotional manipulation" game. Of course, everyone knows, the underdogs want to curry favour of the electorate if not nothing else. Of course it is understandable, that they want to say their "piece of the action." The whole thing has become a "tamasha" which Sri Lankans understand, but what about image creation in the world? 

There is no denial that the nation is tense after the Easter disaster, or is it?

What's the game being played?

Everyone is well aware that Muslims  like the Tamils are in a minority in Sri Lanka, but do we have to be reminded that Muslims control a large part of the world, and are a majority? 

We are also aware that to muster popular sentiment and perhaps,support, politicians and others in Sri Lanka and in Britain,come out with outlandish statements which go viral.

In Britain candidates for the leadership of the Conservative Party have confessed  that they have taken hard drugs at some time of their career? 

The public in Britain wants to know whether this observation or this admission is a qualification to be a leader of a party or even a country or whether it was said in jest to turn on a unconcerned voting public? Of course, it helps the bookies and their odds, but  what if any,does it do for the reputation of the nation?  Do politicians really need to show their vulnerability in public or is there a game being played to arouse opinion?

What is needed is to heal what was broken?

There is no denial that most Sri Lankans, in fact many others around the world, are drained by the state of affairs and the shocking events happening as part of living life in today's world?

Are we trying to seek a comfort mode to soothe ourselves, by what is happening to others, rather than what going on in our neighborliness?

Perhaps, we have lost sight of the values which embody "what the Buddha taught - the Dhamma". 

If only we can reflect on the mindfulness and react to developing situations mindfully, we will not be parading our shallowness and our insincerity? 

Have we in Sri Lanka been immunised by the 30 odd year war and the non ending stream of calamities that we have experienced since?

We need perspective?   

There is uncertainty and chaos around our world. If we go back to our roots and to the tenets of Buddhism, we will not want to betray our cultural identity and our heritage.

Too often we dream about reality, rather than confront it?

It appears we are like the liquid that takes the shape of the container it is stored in, following the trends and fancies of the world rather than meditate or contemplate of what made us who we were and who we are today, rather than wanting immediate satisfaction?

Victor Cherubim



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