Monday 10 June 2019

The runners and riders for Premier Stakes in Britain

The runners and riders for Premier Stakes in Britain

A message sent to me by a son of a friend of a friend reads as follows:

"All change at No.10, this tenancy terminates here. Make no mistake,we are still in a mess.Every time we vote, the house always wins. 10 Downing Street seems to get redecorated more often.

The Leader of the Opposition is still more unpopular than the outgoing Prime Minister, who everyone seems to blame. The new Prime Minister can't leave with "no deal," "can't remain," "can't do a deal that represents Brexit", so what is really changing,if any?

Perhaps,it's the cat food for the Cheshire resident at No.10.Nope! cats only do things on their own terms,so will want the food they like or will be off.

The two main parties are still in shambles and neither really care about anything except their own prestige,especially not Brexit. Their driving force is that they need to be the first to win the people.

" Reds & Blues" have to win the people and fast.

 They can only do that with a united front under the direction of a strong leader.

The country is in turmoil in many other aspects,what we have is these "wanna be" celebrities who promise to fix it for us,but have no clue as to what the real problem is, so how can we ask them for a plan to resolve it?

Every MP who sits in Westminster is equally to blame for this mess. Selfishness, denial and incompetence are  the new norm, having replaced serving the people - honesty and efficiency.
If the "jokers"stopped to think beyond themselves,they would soon realise Britain holds all the aces.

"The people are fed up with hearing that it's somebody else's fault,certainly not my fault."   

I'm asking you what are you going to do, not what they didn't do?

Nope! we've heard that cracker before, now pick a new one or I may drop just drop my token in a new box?

Let's just see you direct the puppet show all together in perhaps, what one may call a democracy?"

Mukunthan,a Public School Boy.



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