Tuesday 12 June 2018

President Trump Won vs Chairman Kim Jong un 2 ?

President Trump Won vs  Chairman Kim Jong un 2

The world is trying to understand what to expect of the momentous,historic meeting between President Donald Trump - United States and Chairman Kim Jong un of DPRK (North Korea) at Sentosa Island, Singapore on 12 June 2018.

Although this meeting was thought to have been arranged on the spur of the moment between two leaders,Chairman Kim,36 (unverified), half the age of President Trump 72; what really was well rehearsed was their unmistakeable chemistry. Both were capable to do deals to surprise everyone? Did we have to await this moment in history?

Everyone in fact in North Korea, we are told,have had to hold their breath to figure out what all this fuss was all about? Perhaps, it was another attempt by their leaders to sell the same horse again, or whether it was really to make a start to peace?  For starters too, no one in the US, did think this meeting would ever happen as suspense of the drama unfolded?

Undoubtedly, there had been decades of quiet diplomacy in preparation. The start of a new future was envisaged,but the outcome was and is, too early to predict.What is noticed now, is that the timing was just about right for a variety of reasons.

The replacement of the present Armistice regime signed at the end of the Korean War with a permanent peace treaty,had eluded many U.S.Presidents and UN officials.It is no conjecture, but that is what may happen at first?

Clause 3 of the agreed Statement issued at this Summit states "reaffirming the April 27,2018 Panmunjom Declaration between the two Korea's (by President Moon Jae of South Korea and  Chairman of the State Affairs Commission,Kim Jong un),  DPRK commits to couple denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula."         
History of the resolution

North and South Korea have remained separated and occupy almost the same territory they had when the war began,68 years ago on June 25,1950. At one stage North Korea had demolished South Korea, leaving only a small territory surrounding the city of Busan,in South Korea. This needed the world (UN) to come fight the Korean War.The Korean Armistice signed on July 27 1953 ended the uneasy truce.  

Containment and commitment and safeguarding peace in the Korean Peninsula has meant stationing 18,000 US troops in South Korea for these many years. President Trump stated that the remains of  some 6000 fallen US soldiers will be repatriated to the United States, thanks to his visit. 

It has been an unbearable cost for North Korea too,in defence of their territory. North Korea has suffered decades of economic stagnation,has been stigmatised as a "pariah state." It has suffered a major famine in 1990's. It's population of 25 million is half of it's neighbour,South Korea. It had also  to support a military of more than 1.2 million and a further 7.7 million in reserve,making it ground forces one of the biggest in the world. 

Six nations comprising the two Korea's,United States,Russia,China and Japan have had decades of negotiation to come to replace the present Armistice with a Peace Treaty to no avail. A new strategy had to be in place.

TCVID  denuclearisation

Total,complete,verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation has brought both the United States and North Korea together. In return Washington is to offer Pyongyang a guarantee on non-aggression,seen necessary for the continued stability of the North Korean regime.

Besides, the United States is hoped to stop its "war games" (military exercises) with South Korea,which was all along sought by North Korea.

Having proven to the world its nuclear and long range missile capability, North Korea and its weapons of mass destruction, had become a threat not only to its neighbours South Korea and Japan, but in November 2017 for mainland USA.
It was too costly for the United States to continue bringing it's deterrent,including long range missiles and bombers from  bases in Guam for the military exercises in South Korea. 

For North Korea, it is wanting to get economic stagnation removed. There can be no better assurance than from President Trump to clearly state during this visit that North Korea will be aided by Japan and South Korea in its economic development process. 

Challenges present 

The challenge posed by the United States to North Korea can be summed up: "It's not you, but about us,that matters to us now." 

Military compliance to any treaty agreement would present a challenge. As President Trump expressed confidence that the United States is able to assess according to its "heat seeking" capabilities to monitor North Korea and stated that once on the road to denuclearisation, there was no turning back by North Korea. 

The problem of total verification of nuclear capability,seen by some observers as a  blind expression of faith in the goodwill of the North Korean regime, is no longer considered in Washington as imponderable.This means they (US) already have verifiable evidence that North Korean nuclear programme has stumbled, for North Korea to destroy its missile launch sites and other strategic deterrents against its neighbours.

Russia and China have assured that the one-to-one meeting between North Korea and the United States is a step forward. For Russia, having North Korea to be economically developed, is very much like the Marshall Plan in Europe after WWII.For China,the fact that there may be a reduction on American Forces in its borders, is definitely a bonus. 

The magic of Kim   

Age before beauty. Kim played his trump card on Trump. He mesmerised Donald Trump by flattering him within the first few minutes of their summit meeting. He was well coached both by China and Russia and he followed their implicit instruction and he scored.

The mosaic of Trump

Trump was able to single out sanctions beyond comprehension and Kim was wobbling and his classic hand shake shook the daylights of Chairman Kim. Kim wanted to show his people he was not riding or trading a horse, but failure to reach any deal at this summit was a recipe for regime change in his nation. Kim wanted to show his people what his father and grandfather couldn't do, he could do, meet face to face with the President of the United States - talk in terms with the enemy, thus earning him a place in history.

It is the World Cup season. Trump won on penalties in Singapore. Trump was trumped in the States by the Federal Reserve which put up interest rates.

The world always sides with the vanquished.

Victor Cherubim 


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