Tuesday 11 February 2020

Lockdown Wuhan?

 Sri Lanka like many other developing countries are having major construction projects stalled as Chinese workers remain in their homeland or remain "quarantined" in their accommodation in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, for fear of unwarranted discrimination.  

It is disgraceful to read that "tuk tuk" three wheeler drivers in Sri Lanka of all people, are  avoiding tourists in the main cities and villages, driving away without taking on board innocent and quite healthy Chinese visitors,leaving them high and dry without transport?How strange,has the cookie crumbled? It was their custom, which paradoxically brought them their livelihood and what makes this change take place?

The whole globe is trying to find a treatment and support therapy.It is not only a Chinese problem but an international problem.

Simultaneously,we also read in today's Daily Express in UK a frightening story that "the escalating outbreak could claim around 50 million lives as a result of infecting 60% of the world's population." This statement is attributed to Hong Kong based Professor,Gabriel Leung, Chair of Public Health Medicine,Hong Kong University?

He further frightens every one that the outbreaks in China are "growing exponentially" in Chinese cities.

At the same time we are informed by other researchers that what is common to all viruses and as far as they know this strain of corona virus will reach its peak and taper within a reasonable period of time. How long is difficult to discern at present?

But,Prof. Leung at a meeting in Geneva in the last few days, adds further worries by stating "Given the 7.7 billion estimated population of the globe the outbreak may possibly claim around 50 million lives as a result of infecting 60% of the world's population?"

He demands an answer:"how long can you lock down people in cities?" Does he imply that they are prisoners in their own land? Who is he kidding?

We learn that this is a human problem which affects all mankind not necessarily only China?

On the one hand the Chinese government has done everything possible to keep this epidemic from spreading, as one would prudently expect?

Chinese workplaces, factories,universities and schools around the country have extended  the leave of absence from work after the Chinese New Year. Cities like Beijing and Shanghai, life goes on with all the precautions.

Besides, we learn quarantine and the shut down of "wild food markets around China" has contained the spread? We understand that among all the victims of this virus,up to now no children have been affected either in China or elsewhere.We hope this is a breakthrough. This is indeed,a great relief for epidemiologists who are working overtime in medical centres around the globe to trace a vaccine, as a matter of urgency.

Up to date 43,138 cases of this strain of the 2019 -nCoV virus have been reported worldwide,the vast majority in China. 

Sri Lanka's Chief Epidemiologist,Dr.S.Samaraweera has declared that no more coronovirus patients have been quarantined in the land. The only patient who tested positive was a Chinese woman tourist who is now recovering,while 15 patients are receiving treatment for "suspicions of having infected with this virus" 10 at IDH and 5 receiving treatment in other hospitals in the country. 

Another item of interest to the public is that this strain of the virus has an incubation period of 24 days instead of 14 days, as envisaged, before.

There are also unreliable reports emanating from the U.S.A. that if the "lockdown" of cities in China does not work, factories dependent on imports from China will undoubtedly re-calibrate and bring back outsourced items of the supply chain, and re-install them, back to the United States?

Why the fear mongering?

Some analysts maintain the whole issue of containing the disease, is more like a master exercise of containing China from catching up with the United States in its race of development. This is evidently,not the full story as everyone knows?

You can fool some people some time, but not all the people all the time?

It is in the interest of humanity not to fool any people, anytime.

Victor Cherubim    


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