Tuesday 23 July 2019

Which Boris, as Prime Minister ?

Which Boris Johnson, as Prime Minister?

Britain's ruling Conservative Party has elected Boris Johnson as the new leader,winning the race by a margin of 66% of the 159,320 Party members eligible to vote and to follow Theresa May as next Prime Minister of United Kingdom.

In his acceptance speech he said: "no one person or party has the monopoly of wisdom .The best instinct and the best way of balancing instincts, to own your own home,keep your own money,and share your values, is what I stand for. I have three priorities, deliver,unite and defeat.


Which Boris will it be; the gaff ridden former Foreign Minister, or will he as a former Mayor of London (2008-16) preach the virtues of immigration,or as Brexit Bojo of the "Leave Campaign"or will he go ahead with a "No Deal" and exit Europe on 31 October 2019, or will he be looked upon with a mix of amusement and contempt for joking that "women in burkas,look little like letterboxes." 

As leader of the largest party in UK Parliament, Johnson will be invited by H. M. The Queen on Wednesday 24 July 2019 to form a government, and be the first American born Prime Minister of United Kingdom. 

Boris is a flflamboyant politician, with a "Can do" philosophy, holding a slim majority in Parliament and called to govern with the threat of a General Election hanging over his head,even though one is not scheduled until 2022.

Victor Cherubim     


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