Monday 19 August 2019

Doing what needs to be done in Sri Lanka?

 Doing what needs to be done in Sri Lanka?

We have every one talking about the forthcoming Presidential election in Sri Lanka.

We have also everyone talking about what has not been done in Sri Lanka.

What then is what needs to be done and is still not done?

If then, what needs to be done is what people need, why is it not done?

Why is it that the people who have been in power for decades not been able to do,what needs to be done?

Is it because people in government have not the capacity to do what needs to be done?

Is it because our elected representatives have lost the will to do what needs to be done?

Is it because they have not got the "Mind Set" or the "A" levels to do the job that they have been entrusted by the people of Sri Lanka?

Is it because they are expecting someone else to carry out the job they promised the people of the country that they would do and failed to do?

There is a job to be done in Sri Lanka 

It has to be done now, not tomorrow ? Why?

There is no denying of the sovereign power the people of Sri Lanka wield among the constitutions of nations around the world.Supreme power of the State rests not with a President or an elected Prime Minister, but with the people.This power can be exercised at the next Presidential election in December 2019.

Will the people of Sri Lanka use this discretion to radically change the political scene in Sri Lanka at the next Presidential vote? 

Will they seek the accountability of the future President by electing a person outside the main political parties?  Could it be a three corned battle for power by the over 90,000 people attending the JVP rally at Galle Face Green on 18 August 2019?

 Many Sri Lankans understand that making the country more competitive in the global economy  is an absolute necessity.It may be easier said than done, but nonetheless has to be delivered?

The majority of ordinary Sri Lankans fear increased competition, especially the unfair advantage of the private sector from abroad and the limited skill sets in the country. You need innovation to compete, If you do not possess the skills needed for innovation you cannot compete. 

Sri Lanka has had a brain drain for nearly fifty years. Talent and skills have migrated abroad. They have voted with their feet and gone abroad. You have to bring back those who have sold their skills abroad and give them incentives to return back.

 If you cannot remedy the skills shortage in Sri Lanka, you can never compete in the world of today, says the World Bank?

Knowledge Share
We know that attracting skills is not easy.

Britain was in a similar situation before joining the European Union, There was a justifiable fear that migrant labour from the Continent would displace the local population.Equally there was a desperate demand from Europe's skilled labour, like Doctors,Nurses, IT Technicians,Builders, Carpenters, and specialist manual workers, wanting eagerly to come to Britain to share their knowledge base as well as to learn English and the British way of life.They were happy to work in Britain and happy to repatriate their funds to their homelands in Europe. Now after over 40 years, Britain understandably wants to restrict free movement of people from the Continent.

Sri Lanka needs an Open Door Policy to attract not necessarily foreign labour, but migrant Sri Lankans to return to Sri Lanka, to rebuild their motherland, giving them all forms of inducements, say Overseas Investment opportunities,Citizenship Rights, Voting Rights,other tax incentives, to name a few?.

Capacity Building

First, Sri Lanka needs to seek growth opportunities and foreign investment from beyond its borders.

"We have seen no country today has been able to create opportunities for its people entirely within its own geographical boundaries.To succeed in this open environment,Sri Lanka will need to implement its skills base,better understand the supply chain as well as produce higher quality goods and services,"

We are told Sri Lanka attracts less foreign investment  than other comparable economies.Further,only a small proportion of these investments generate diversified exports. 

We need to know what to build on, what to improve, what to leave alone and what to ignore.

We need to identify the unmet needs of our people,not the wants which our politicians think our people desire? 

Victor Cherubim


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