Thursday 2 April 2020

The Blame Game

The Blame Game

Man and Nature have survived for eons in close proximity with each other. It is only when we  humans fight to displace nature,when we think we we have control over nature,doing things to upset this equilibrium, that nature shows us who is in command.

As Lord Buddha commissioned, "be kind to all living beings". Besides, the significance of Nature in my understanding of the little I know of Buddhism, is the belief that even animals have the "Buddha Nature". This according to what my Ayah from Gampaha taught me when I was a kid, was to avoid harming nature as much as possible

This closeness with Nature was disrupted in the case of the Coronavirus pandemic. As seen we are now finding ways to blame ourselves for unpreparedness, for consuming wild animal flesh,for changing our environment to accommodate our population escalation,for man's inhumanity to fellow man, and particularly our "fat cats" not taking concerted world action in time.

To avoid arguments and conflict we now have a damage limitation exercise on our hands.
We need to release our anger and frustration. This we can do through exercise, individual sport routine within our homes, proper attention to health and hygiene in our environment.But most of all to use patience and care of the elderly, our pets and our surroundings and protect them.

Feelings of pressure and burdens and at times it is natural our isolation could lead to discouragement. We are living in un-natural times.

If we begin to feel angry or frustrated at what we cannot do, we can channel our rage into hard physical work at home, or in our gardens,what we had little or no time to devote due to our busy schedule, or we can devote more attention to a creative project.We can use this determined energy in a constructive way.

The unpredictable nature of Nature challenging us at times like this, means we will likely feel on edge at times, lonely and in despair. We may feel weighed down by duties and responsibilities.

We will have to react quickly to changing circumstances. The key to dealing with this disruption is open mindedness and a willingness to adapt.

Innovative use of machines and man

Did you know that US Companies with branch outlets in China were working flat out during the Coronavirus break at manufacturing ICU designed equipment for machine control without human control, to monitor Coronavirus patients.

We note during the latter stages of the pandemic in January 2020, human interface at Wuhan Intensive Care unit equipment was replaced by machines. This included patient monitoring,life support and emergency resuscitation and diagnostic devices without nursing staff or doctors,using electrodes and sensors and a remote console outside.

We now hear NHS UK mourning that available ICU unit beds in hospitals around the country are understaffed, lacking the very minimum recommended human intervention staff with one Consultant and one ICU Nurse, to monitor acute care patient monitoring, Life and Emergency resuscitative equipment.

These may include the electrical activity of the heart via an EKG,respiration rate (breathing),blood pressure,body temperature, cardiac output and the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Added to this is the Life Support Ventilator, Infusion Pump,plus diagnostic equipment,mobile X-Ray unit,portable clinical laboratory devices including urinary catheters, were all serviced by nurses and doctors.

Wuhan Hospital was able to use machines and a Central Monitor manned outside the ICU unit bed ward, to technically do the work of man, by remote control. This was innovation at its best.

What may be seen in the future after the blame game?   

There is the slightest doubt in my mind that machines will replace man in many endeavours,in health,in the workplace, at the least. When will it be over is the question on everybody's mind?

That there will be stringent controls on health,travel within and around countries, and more so around the world. For a time, people will be able to smell the roses in their own back gardens and be able at last, to enjoy the beauty of nature?

That the health and safety not just our nearest and dearest, but the wider community of humans and animals,including severe restrictions,penalties imposed on anyone plundering  Nature, will be an absolute priority on Governments.

At the same time the antidote to fear is leadership. Fat cats in business will be forced to make way for innovative CEO's and machines replace man in offices.Work from home will become normal.

We will see social gatherings, church services, marriages, funerals, sports activities taking a very different role, with direct interaction rather than through intermediaries.

We will see strong leadership around not only among nations,but in world organisations like the WHO, IMF, and UN.

Direct relationship and accountability between Man, Nature and God will make Man more as Custodian,rather than Controller.

Could this be The New Age of Aquarius? 

Victor Cherubim


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