Tuesday 23 January 2018

Bojo's  Latest - Money for the NHS

Boris Johnson is right that the NHS needs more money? 

The calling for money to be spent after Britain leaves the EU , Johnson has spotted an opportunity to blur the lines,portraying this as a Government delivering for "leavers," according to Gabby Hinsliff of The Guardian.

We all know that Theresa May will not want Boris to take credit,or even gather momentum to oust her as Prime Minister by remaining in the wings. The word is that he was reprimanded for publicly demanding an extra £100 million a week for the NHS, off the "Brexit dividend."

Is it real that a campaign by Tories is building up for a leadership challenge?

Theresa May is under a strain not only with Brexit, but with some of her own party guru's. A leading Tory MP, Sir Nicholas Soames, has followed ex Minister Nick Boles, warning the party to  be much bolder in policy, process and delivery, if it is to defeat Jeremy Corbyn at the next election. The Prime Minister has been branded as "timid and dull".  

This chorus of discontent that "its time to raise the game" has always been there since the last election debacle, but Boris Johnson, has felt it opportune to raise the stakes well in advance of a leadership challenge.Boris' opponents claim he is a "snake oil salesman."

Boris is no lame duck politician. He has a following and is no fool, although he pretends to act like one. 

 Victor Cherubim


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