Friday 9 March 2018

International Women's Day

International Woman's Day
During the year 2018 which marks 100 years since women got the vote in the UK, March 8 International Women's Day has become more empowering than ever.

As we think of a woman who has made a positive impact on our life,we have every reason to celebrate them in the best way,in fact anyway we can.Whether it was our Mother,Grandma,Sister,or Wife, whoever they are, we are grateful to them every day. They changed our lives, they deserve recognition. 

The BBC 100 Women programme will showcase inspirational stories from women in the UK and across the globe.

The #Me Too Movement against male harassment too has recently come into the limelight in the United States and abroad.

Women are to be celebrated for being themselves, for being female.

Many women over the years have made a stand.They have stood out among the rest.They are still marching,they are challenging abuse,they are fighting gender inequality.

What is happening in UK?

Domestic abuse has been highlighted by Prime Minister,Theresa May writing in "The Guardian". She states:"Thousands of women endure unimaginable violence and other forms of abuse every single day,often at the hands of those to whom they are closest,in the places they should be safest.I have heard many heart wrenching stories. I am determined to stop others suffering."

Labour's Shadow Home Secretary,Diane Abbott said:"Domestic violence is one of the toughest crimes to police effectively and it is much more difficult because of the Tories cutting 21,000 police and support for women's refugees. There is more the Government could and should do."

As an early intervention measure to shield victims from further abuse from unconvicted suspects,the Government has launched today,new orders in a "freestanding application" from a victim,or a member of their family or a support service,without the need for police backing. This is ahead of a new draft Domestic Abuse legislation.

Domestic abuse suspects face being banned from contacting their victims,drinking alcohol or taking drugs. They face electronic tagging to monitor their movements under a new Civil Protection Order. 

For the first time there will be a statutory definition of Domestic Abuse.

The definition of "Domestic Abuse"

Domestic violence and abuse would cover "psychological,physical,sexual,economic and emotional abuse". It would "not be limited to women and girls,but recognise abuse that happens in all relationships". 

Breaches of any of the conditions of the new Domestic Abuse Protection Civil Orders will be punishable as a criminal offence.

For the first time it will recognise economic abuse. This would include "forcing someone to take out loans,withholding access to wages or bank accounts, food, clothing or transport.

Sexual harassment

International Women's day has also flagged sexual harassment. We have recently seen that the entertainment industry is shifting to this embarrassment.It is in the midst of a so called "monumental change reacting to the numerous allegations of sexual assault and abuse." 

Sexual harassment is a manifestation of power relations."Women are much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment precisely because they more often than men lack power,are in a vulnerable and insecure positions,lack self confidence or have been socialised to suffer in silence. 
The problem of sexual harassment relates to the roles which are attributed to men and women in social and economic life. 

Another reaction is to exploit the presence of women and make sexual favours, aid submissions to sexual behaviour conditions of employment.Sexual harassment creates a climate of intimidation and repression, "frequently being a victim, blaming herself and doubting her own self worth." This draws a distinction between sex discrimination and sexual harassment.
The consequent outcome

One outcome of sexual harassment and domestic violence is that women are preferring to stay single.

There are over 40 million women in India who are classed as "invisible,single, unmarried,divorced and widows." Many are beginning to defy convention by remaining single by choice,without depending on the grudging munificence of their families. Social stigma surrounding divorce still hangs heavy over women. Things are changing, but the process is glacial.

More people in the West than ever before prefer to be single too. More are staying single for life.There are 107 million unmarried Americans over 18  and more than half of them are female.

Contrary to the view expressed by Jon Birger's "Date-onomics," that there is a man shortage, women aren't staying single because there aren't enough men for them. They are staying single and unwed simply because they want to be. They don't want to get married at all. 

According to Pepper Schwartz, Professor of Sociology,University of Washington,"women had to marry,or were seen as damaged.It is different now.While most women still want marriage,they don't want it at just any price.They don't want it if it scuttles their dreams."

That is perhaps, or in part,due to marriage no longer being a must for women's social and financial standing. It possibly does not offer the security it once did. It is not that there aren't enough men, but there also aren't enough women to walk down the aisle.           
The reasons not to settle down right away are such as prioritising their career, or wanting to spend more time with friends. There is another reason,why young women might want to stay single - they have a mistrust of marriage. 

Studies indicate that many "mods"  and millennials, avoid marriage for fear of eventual divorce. Women are remaining unwed because life is full of outlets for success in career, creative pursuits, travel, family,friends and strangely sexual satisfaction. 

My body, my choice 

Soon there may be a dearth of pole dancers, support women, parade girls or forced chaperones.Will it be a way of men finding women and respecting them for being female and not dominate them as at present? Will this be the dawn of a new era of population control by choice?

Victor Cherubim


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